Yes sentry mode was enabled, ok I dont expect a notification or recorded video which was going to be great to have but, why didnt my alarm went off when they hit my car?

Tag: tesla alarm


  1. I_care_less_than_you

    Battery below 20 percent?

    Storage drive full?

    Did you at least get the footage?

    1. AlienFix

      I dont have the footage. Last sentry footage was on Wednesday last week. Im not sure what is going on

      1. Mr-Tiggo-Bitties

        Battery below 20 percent?

        Storage drive full?

        1. AlienFix

          No storage not full battery at 70%

          1. Taylooor

            I’ve had mine stop recording. I needed to reformat the usb drive. You can do this from within the car easily

          2. Mean_Anything_1061

            My daughter was hit in our model Y and the car was totaled. Before and after video was there but the actual accident was not saved.

          3. Toastybunzz

            It's good to check it occasionally when you get the notifications in the car. I've had it say it was recording but the drive was corrupted or something after an update and it needed to be reformatted.

          4. Testunder20

            Use recuva or some recovery program because the car is usually filming non stop when sentry is activate and only saving some events.

  2. AlienFix

    I just found out that if you exclude your home or work for sentry mode, YOU WONT GET AN ALARM TO GO OFF IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO YOUR CAR.

    1. dantodd

      Yeah, they really need to decouple sentry and the motion alarm. Even if you don't get video from before the alert it would be really nice to already have video start up as soon as something hits your car.

      1. AlienFix

        Well i don’t know if that is even true. I would need to hear someone elses opinion

        1. Taylooor

          My opinion is they are correct

    2. luhhhmytessie

      Tough, luckily I park mine inside my house 😱

      1. totalfarkuser

        In the bedroom?

      2. luhhhmytessie

        Yes, I sleep in the car….garage

    3. wbsgrepit

      Yes. Because you turned off sentry mode which IS the alarm.

    4. forte-exe

      This is where a garage is extremely useful

  3. dude_where_is_my_car

    It looks like the bumper cover is pushed in. Hard to believe that damage would not have jostled the car enough to trigger the alarm. If so, that's better for the car but unlucky that you weren't notified. Mine triggered and notified me once due to an ICE car fire in a parking garage 3 stalls down. The fire dept came up on a ladder with their hose next to my car. Sentry caught it too. We even got to see it live through the cameras.

    1. ryencool

      Might have been a slow impact.

  4. Cchris19999

    Contact customer service for footage

    1. MurKdYa

      The golden question...How you contact Customer Service lol

      1. FuelSpiritual8662

        submit a service request on the app

    2. Cchris19999

      My daughter had a wreck and didn’t have her memory stick in the usb slot. They sent her the video.

      1. kensic9

        damn man, I would like to know more details on this also.

      2. AlienFix

        How do i do that?

  5. BytesAndBirdies

    Was the USB storage full? Car battery level too low maybe? Sentry mode disabled at home/favourited location?

    1. AlienFix

      Yes it is disabled at home. Although was on and the alarm should have been triggered

      1. BytesAndBirdies

        Yes if this didn't happen at home then the alarm should have gone off, and there should have been a recording.

      2. [deleted]

        Exactly thats what I believe… I talked to them and they told me that was the reason why the alarm didn’t work. I do believe there is something wrong here.

        1. AlienFix

          Exactly thats what I believe… I talked to them and they told me that was the reason why the alarm didn’t work. I do believe there is something wrong here.

          1. BytesAndBirdies

            Where did the accident happen? At home?

          2. AlienFix

            Yes at home

  6. bobo-the-dodo

    Within spec

  7. ManicMarket

    Thankfully damage seems limited to a single panel for the most part.

  8. BaneSilvermoon

    On that topic, I've had my car six years and have never heard what it's alarm sounds like. I used to try to set it off and never managed to.

    1. AlienFix

      Me neither… im starting to think i have an alarm problem. I dont think the alarm of the Tesla is linked to sentry mode

  9. jnthn1111

    8k right there

  10. BirdyDecode

    Meanwhile my alarm went off because a garbage truck drove by too fast

  11. Sea_Community_4161

    Easy fix . Hot water o a hair dryer push the the bumper back out from inside . Polished the paint and replace the reflector.

  12. kensic9

    looks like someone did not clear leaving the parallel parking spot.

    that person needed 1 more back up before turning out.

  13. jamiehasaboner

    Did you get sentry mode footage?

    1. AlienFix

      No. Sentry Mode didnt get anything.

      1. [deleted]

        Did you have it on? If it didn’t pick up this I’m just going to turn mine completely off. Seems useless

        1. AlienFix

          I did but the only thing wrong was that it has a favorite place marked as home and it wont work at home, but is weird is that my alarm didnt work either

      2. jamiehasaboner

        That’s unfortunate. Guess your SOL. :/ file a claim with insurance.

  14. icy1007

    Was Sentry enabled with >20% battery?

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