1. sniffer_packet601

    FYI, I had this issue on my 22 M3LR, service center replaced the intel atom computer, and it resolved the issues.

    1. [deleted]

      good to hear you got your problems resolved, will make sure to suggest this to the engineer. Were your problems similar (no phone notifications) and how did you get Tesla to replace the computer?

      1. sniffer_packet601

        I would get some notifications but not always.

        created a service requested through app and would message them whenever it happened. even if it was in the AM hours.

  2. [deleted]

    Wow never heard of that, sounds horrible, I’d document everything and go to a lawyer if they aren’t willing to fix it.

    1. [deleted]

      i've started doing so, hope it won't get this far, i love the car for everything but the alarm issues. even the engineers try to help me any way they can.

      1. kashiskhing

        Tbh if it did, this post and all your responses would be sufficient. Just hit print. Blamo.

  3. KoshV

    That sucks, also sounds like hell to deal with.

    1. [deleted]

      Yes it sure is. Having a toddlers (and thus ours) night rest disrupted makes everything even harder.

  4. OhSassafrass

    I had this issue with my Land Rover and it turned out to be a faulty connection in the bonnet (hood) clasp. When the wind would blow just right, it would trigger the sensor and it thought the hood was being lifted/ opened and set the alarm off. Literally took months and I thought my boss was going to fire me.

    1. [deleted]

      i'm glad the problem has only been occuring at home. can't imagine also having to excuse myself for all my colleagues as an added bonus. Good to read you've got your problem sorted out.

  5. Obvious-Slip4728

    I’ve turned on the alarm for a few days. Had the alarm going off 2 or 3 times during the night. Don’t know why. I turned it off. I’ve never had an alarm on any my cars before. Don’t miss it.

    1. [deleted]

      turning the alarm off hasn't resulted into any improvements unfortunately. Added down side is that my insurance company the car alarm has to be on in order to be covered for car theft.

      1. Obvious-Slip4728

        I understand. Disappointing that Tesla is not able to solve and gave up. You are right. That’s not acceptable.

  6. BranchLatter4294

    Maybe your phone is moving in and out of range and you are hearing the lock sound not the alarm.

    1. [deleted]

      i thought about this too, however the problem persist when phones are in airplane mode as mentioned in TS. It's not the lock sound im hearning, i got multiple incidents recorded on camera, so it's not a case of misinterpretating any sounds.

  7. sinistergroupon

    That’s…messed up. I have never had my alarm go off. I know it doesn’t help but this is not normal.

  8. JDad67

    When you park it at the service center are they putting it in service mode? What about just parking it there w/o a service appointment and waiting 5 - 120 Min?

    1. [deleted]

      Thing is i've never heard it go off when the car is not parked at the house. I would have expected to car alarm to guy off during a visit at friends/family by now. I've also never heard to car alarm go off when the car is parked at work.

      1. JDad67

        Are both of those places saved as home / work in the nav? Have you tried setting other locations as home/work? Like the service center?

        Looking through what you have tried I don’t see changing your account password (making sure nothing else has access to anything.)

        Do you have a Tesla FOB?

        1. [deleted]

          I removed the home address from the nav today, see if that makes any difference. I did change my password as stated in TS, and am currently not in possession of any FOB. Thanks for the suggestions!

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