PSA You can change your home address by editing Google Maps Address
Whenever I would park at home, my home address from the app was wrong. It would be my neighbors address.. I suggested a change on Google Maps and moved my home location closer to my garage. My change got approved. The address now reflects my actual home on the Tesla App.
Thanks for explaining step by step on how you did it.
Still don’t get how to do this
The post wasn't a how-to.
Got excited about the address change so i posted to make people aware that it can work.
I can post more detailed steps if people wanted. No one has asked
How do I do this? Just bought a new construction home and Google still has an empty plot of land as my address.
Google maps on your internet browser on the computerSearch your addressClick on the button suggest an editWrong pin location or addressCorrect the mistake. Submit
May take some time for the change to go through
This is changing the market in Google Maps.
Alternatively, if you don’t want to do this or you live on a large property or gated community and you need a more precise location, you can go to Google Maps and drop a marker by tap and holding down on a place then copying what’s known as Plus Code, which are two groups of digits with a + between them plus suburb and state, ie, 46V8+G5C Sydney, New South Wales and use that as an address.
Sorry i didn't understand that second portion.
The frustration was we couldn't modify the home address (whatever was showing on the tesla app), I decided to make changes on Google Maps and it actually translated to changing the address on the Tesla app. My neighbors homes are really close to mine, so it was frustrating when the home address was wrong.
I misspelt a word near the end. Essentially the Plus Code is like GPS coordinates, but much shorter and can be used as your address. I didn’t know Tesla would use your account address as your home. I had to manually set it up.
Sorry i may be misspeaking.
We set our home in our Teslas right? So that we can route to it.
We go through settings and say: no sentry mode when at home
But the address Tesla thinks we're at when we're home wasn't the correct one. It kept giving my neighbors home. So the fix of moving my home pin in Google Maps helped the Tesla app show the correct home address
Yes, those are all correct and totally get what you mean and probably the best solution.
My suggestion was just an alternative.
Dude, thank you so much for this. FSD can now take me right to my garage, MyQ opens it…all I have to do is back in. I love you for this