1. NathanJax

    Can you Go to your Tesla app, click service, request service, battery & charging, other/battery. Then type in your issue (low range) and click next. Tesla will run diagnostics on your car.

    1. papadopus

      When i do this it asks me to book a service appointment.

  2. pacifica333

    Google is a fine tool.


    1. TheTonik

      That tool is only on newer models (which I mentioned in the title). My 2017 has no such test.

  3. Misophonic4000

    I personally use Tessie and love it

    1. TheTonik

      And it can show degradation? With no extra tools?

      1. Misophonic4000

        Yes, gives you a health report of how much capacity is left and how that compares to other cars, and so on. Among many other things. Totally worth the few bucks it costs ($5, I think?).

        1. TheTonik

          Nice. Thanks for the tip!

          1. Misophonic4000

            You're welcome! In the app, tap battery, then tap the little heart icon in the top right corner. Let me say what it says about your battery, I'm curious now!

          2. TheTonik

            Welp... 9.6%. Which is apparently better than average. My wife's Y on the other hand is at 11.7% - slightly worse than average. 

            Regardless, this is an awesome app. Thanks again for recommending!

          3. Misophonic4000

            My pleasure. Sounds like you're in good shape! It's pretty great, and about to get even better with a bunch of new stuff soon. I personally love the ability to use my smartwatch with it for remote stuff, too.

          4. TheTonik

            I'm just now messing around with the smart watch. I cant figure out how to switch between our two cars though. Is that built into the watch or not yet?

          5. Misophonic4000

            What's your device? For me (Galaxy Watch6 Classic) if I access Tessie just by launching it or via a watchface complication, if I hit the back button once I get to the app's main screen, it backs into a screen that shows a list of vehicles to choose from (only showing one, in my case)

          6. TheTonik

            Pixel Watch 2. Im still trying to figure it out.

            Edit: your tip helped me figure it out. Thanks!

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