Wife's phone was always finicky with connecting to the car and switching the seat to her driver profile. Mine always worked flawlessly and switched to my settings as soon as I opened the door. Might not be related but a few days after I've updated to 2021.44.25.6 my phone stopped connecting to the car as well.

I reconnected both my and my wife's phones to the car and everything works as supposed to except it doesn't switch between driver profiles. We have to go into the menu on the screen and switch profiles so the seat, mirrors and steering wheel adjust accordingly. Anyone else have this problem?

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  1. Turner_Brown

    Ok. I had this same issue. Here’s the fix: open the car options menu and go to locks. From there you’ll see all the “keys” (including phones). Next to your phone key there’s a little person icon. If you hit that it will tie your phone key to your profile. Just be sure to be using the corresponding profile before you tap it.

    1. Majestic_Apartment

      Two years later this thread came up in a search and helped me in my Model 3. Thank you for your service.

      1. crappy_data

        Two years + more days this thread came up in a search again.

    2. Shavedhead83

      Thank you! This is it!!! I poked around and linked our key cards to our profiles and somehow missed doing the same for the phone keys. I linked my phone to my profile and it worked. I did the same with my wife's phone and everything works. I love this community :)

      EDIT: updated info about wife's phone

    3. Scooby_Drew_318

      3/16/24: Just had this issue after restoring my iPhone 15 and this work. Thanks! 🤗

    4. Addamk1

      Perfect! Fixed the issue. 👊🏼👍🏼

    5. VV_gti

      This has saved my life, it worked, thank you very much for the solution!!

    6. one918

      New Tesla MY owner. Just wanted to say thanks. This worked for me, it was driving me crazy!

    7. armidamix

      Thank you! Searching for this issue after switching to a new phone, your comment came up. Fixed it!

    8. zumred

      Great man.

    9. maxdax1

      Sep 2024 - tip worked like majic - thank you sir

    10. beccabetts54

      Awesome! This fixed my problem too!

    11. Large-Plant298


    12. Large-Plant298


    13. F500_MS

      Great!!!! Thank you. Finally back to normal

  2. nearmsp

    Do any of you guys have Tesla Key fob? Does opening the car associated with the driver profile set the driver to the registered owner of the Key fob that unlocked the car?

    1. ssj4vegita2002

      It would be whatever profile you had set currently when you added the fob and tapped the person icon next to it.

  3. [deleted]

    I hope someone can provide information on this bc same! When we first received our model Y in Oct, it would automatically recognize my husband or me, and I loved that the seat would automatically start moving up and mirrors would change as I was getting in. Now, I have to manually change the profile and wait for my seat to slowly move forward, which seems like ages when in a hurry lol. It was definitely after an update- is there something in the settings we can click to make it so this again?

  4. ItsJRod

    Are your phones connected as keys to each driver profile? Check this. Also, who is set as the default profile? Check that. Finally, who is getting in the car first? I open the door for my wife when I can, so she technically gets in first. When I finally get in, even though I’m in the driver’s seat, it has her profile setup. So it seems to pull the profile for whoever gets in first, as opposed to who gets into the driver’s side. At least, that’s what my experience has been.

  5. Visible_Necessary_76

    Set the little person icon to your phone. After that, when you unlock with your phone, try stepping on the brake. That worked for me. I guess it's better then pushing the screen.

  6. john21mart

    Can't tap little person.. Nothing happens!

    1. parmdhoot

      You have to be in your profile and not in easy entry for it to work properly.

    2. james_primaryapp

      Look closely, the user next to the key changes between the current user and empty. To change from my wife to me I had to change the current profile to mine, then go to this lock screen and tap the person icon, the tiny text next to the key changed to my name.

  7. james_primaryapp

    What a crap ui, no wonder I couldn't find it

  8. stanggt1313

    I have a 23MY and have deleted all the phone keys, re-added all the phone keys, got into my profile, clicked the little person button under locks and keys settings (made sure my name shows up next to my phone specific key), and then did the same with my wife's phone and profile, but it will not switch between seat settings when we approach the car. Any other ideas to try? This is so irritating. It worked right when we got the car and then stopped after like 6 months.

    1. ShinyBrainVat

      Yeah same here - we have our respective profiles linked to the keys (our phones) but it no longer switches profiles on entry since a few versions back

      1. stanggt1313

        Ended up having to do a full factory reset of the car through the service menu. Annoying to set everything back up, but it's been working for the last two months or so...

        1. ShinyBrainVat

          Ah thanks! What were the most annoying things that you lose after the full reset? Just so I can take photos beforehand

          1. stanggt1313

            We have three drivers, so seat settings, Bluetooth connectivity, and audio preferences. It also recalibrates and treats you like you just picked it up. None of this is the end of the world. Just irritating I had to go through the steps to fix it.

  9. krazn1

    What I noticed is that the profile always goes to the last person who drove it. So if my wife drove the car last, I know I’ll have to manually hit my profile. I just always assumed this is how it was.

    1. Entropy-S

      Yep that's true. There was an option to make one profile "primary." If both keys were connected, it would default to the one set as primary. It didn't work for me until the driver profiles are linked to the keys. Since the Christmas update, I noticed the primary driver profile isn't working. I haven't found the setting, but also didn't look very hard.

      1. ssj4vegita2002

        On the key screen there is a little person icon you can tap for the key that will bind the current profile to that key.

        My wife and I use this for our 3 and Y. Even today she got the kids in the car and sat in the passenger seat, then I came out to the car and when I opened the driver's side door it went to my driving profile, even though she had unlocked first and was sitting in the car. I guess it knew because no one was in the driver's seat?

  10. slick5534

    Thank you so much! This was driving me nuts but found the answer here.

  11. [deleted]

    I changed my profile to Easy Entry and it seems to work so far.

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