1. Exciting-Giraffe-908

    Good job. Good video.

    But thanks for showing me, once again, why I will pay Tesla to do this for me. As Clint Eastwood famously said: A man's got to know his limitations.

    1. onlyTeslas

      Thanks for checking it out!

  2. gtg465x2

    My other cars have always taken like 30 seconds. Not looking forward to this.

    1. No_Solution7893

      Tell me about it. I thought this was complicated for my Genesis. https://youtu.be/UUa5gVHfLIU

  3. kornerz

    On a 2020+ (I guess) Model 3.

    Older ones have a high-voltage wire running over the lid and the screw at top of the lid, making it harder.

    1. onlyTeslas

      That is true. Wish it was easier but here we are.

    2. Flashy-Whereas1245

      Dear Lord. I just spent 90 minutes doing this thing that should obviously have taken no more than 20 mins. What a terrible design. I'm gonna buy one of the magnetic covers now. Oh and I'm definitely gonna tape over the whole thing with gaffer tape. Idk about yours, but that flap absolutely does not lock fully into place and stays open like 1/8" when the fan is on hi, losing a lot of air pressure into the flooring of the car as a result. Technically it's still cooling the cabin but it does mean the filters are less efficient as is the cooling of the passengers directly.

  4. antipoded

    Why doesn’t Tesla replace these for free under warranty?

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