I'm not looking for a way to watch content while driving but nearly all of the podcasts I follow are on YouTube, Rumble, etc so could it be possible for Tesla to make it so when in drive, the video cuts off and just the audio continues to play? Sure I can run the show on my phone and go into Bluetooth mode on the screen but that's just more fumbling around with the phone that shouldn't even be in my hand.

It's not really the same comparison but other car manufacturers cut off the rear view camera view when you shift into park yet Tesla lets us have ours up all of the time if we so choose. So why couldn't they just code it to where the video of any video player just goes dark until the car is back in park? I know, first world problems.

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  1. uttrlyunrmrkble

    Try YouTube Music. You might find your podcasts on there and you can listen while driving.

    1. babykoy

      this! has to be Youtube Premium though (similar to Spotify)

    2. PlanAheadEverything

      For some stupid stupid reason, podcasts doesn't work on the YouTube music app in Tesla. It gives a playbackError. I am assuming it's some sort of bug which gets addressed in future updates.

      1. tokenincorporated

        Do you have a Brand Account? If so, you'll need to merge it with your main account. It was very annoying to deal with at first, but I got over it. Works great now.

        1. PlanAheadEverything

          I don't have a brand account. But thanks for the tip !

      2. Emergency-Morning-28

        Also, turn off video option of podcasts within the YouTube Music app. This fixes 90% of playback issues

      3. uttrlyunrmrkble

        The error stopped happening for me today. You should check if you still get the error message.

        1. PlanAheadEverything

          Let me try and report back

  2. Madison464

    If you're just going to listen, then run YT on your phone and connect your phone to the Tesla's bluetooth.

    You can navigate thru playlists with the steering wheel.

    1. Issaction

      This is the way.

    2. Vaht_Da_Fuck

      I'll give that a try.

  3. ResponseNo6774

    You can do this in the 2024 model 3. Put something on on the rear screen and listen to it that way.

  4. JRC3292

    The government is why.

  5. [deleted]

    Very early on a Tesla could do that but the government told them they’re not allowed to play video content on a screen visible to the driver.

    1. ScuffedBalata

      Very early on a Tesla could do that but the government told them they’re not allowed to play video content on a screen visible to the driver.

    2. smawji13

      Lol trying to compare a single feature from an 01 expedition to a Tesla 😂

    3. TotaledWithinSpec

      Oh cool, does your expedition also have built in dashcam, sentry mode and live view, remote app capabilities and OTA updates?

      1. AJFrabbiele

        I have two cars that have all those things, a Tesla and a '06 tacoma (except OTA updates, not much to update on it) added aftermarket in 2011.

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