1. I_care_less_than_you

    Yes that is a fair price for someone to do the work for you. You can always buy one for 30 dollars and follow a relatively easy YouTube video. If you do it yourself you can also clean the ac condenser following the same YouTube videos which will help your ac run even more effectively than just changing out the filter.

    1. raised_on_the_dairy

      The $80 is not the reason I do mine myself, it is so that I can clean the condenser. It makes such a different

  2. gamedemented1


  3. vandilx

    Unfortunately, Tesla made the process a pain the ass on the Model 3. I wound up buying the filters and then having mobile service do it while they were there to install a Homelink module.

    1. 20yroldentrepreneur

      Its kind of a pain and i spent 30-40 minutes sweating my ass off trying to fit it in

  4. Sweet_Yellow_8646

    Normal , 100%.

    But do it yourself for a lot cheaper and you get to clean your AC coils.

  5. [deleted]

    Yes, I’m not a contortionist, so it’s worth it for me. I have them do it when other work is being done

  6. turns2stone

    Well the part(s) alone are $35 when ordered from Tesla. So you're paying $45 to not have to figure out how to do it, get upside down on your head with a flashlight in the passenger footwell, get all sweaty and/or dirty trying to figure it out.

    Source - I've replaced Model 3 cabin air filter 3X. It's not for the faint of heart.

  7. Corey415

    Is this mobile service?

  8. yanksphish

    It’s not tough to do yourself by any means, but I completely understand if someone wouldn’t want to do this. If not, $80 definitely isn’t overpriced, especially if they come to you to change it. You do need to get up into the corner of your passenger side floor. If you physically can’t do this, you won’t enjoy the job.

  9. [deleted]

    You are a house of lies.

    1. markymrk720

      You are a house of lies.

  10. [deleted]

    It’s easy to get better filters online and install them yourself.

  11. Relevant_Day801

    I just paid $62 with mobile service Texas

  12. Joule_E

    I’m old 56, short 5’7”, and fat 200lbs. And I managed to shoehorn myself under the front dash and get it done myself for about $35.00 and 45 mins. (Would have taken less time but I couldn’t reach my phone to call my wife to pull me out by my feet.) Some things that help: LED headlamp. Makes you look like a dork, or a surgeon like me, but helps you see the small torx screw in the cover you have to remove. Trim removal tool. Not necessary but helps. Don’t forget to collect the white trim retainer clips that pop off and put them back in place. Short torx screw driver for that pesky little screw. A magnetic one is even better. Thick towel or shop pad. Your knees will thank you.

  13. Emotional-Buddy-2219

    Can do it in 10 minutes for less than half. YouTube it

  14. bc87m

    If you are even mildly handy (e.g. know how to use a screwdriver) - buy the Vion HEPA filters, watch a four minute YouTube video, and do it yourself. Gives you the opportunity to wipe it out and realize how shitty the traditional Tesla filters are.

    I used to get mine replaced regularly, it isn’t worth it as the mold smell comes back too often after humid days.

  15. brbarlow5

    Do it yourself… hard to get to but worth it. Save your money

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