1. Town--Drunk

    Anyone find round ones yet?

  2. 10xMaker

    Anyone found any puddle lights for the refresh model x yet?

  3. Town--Drunk

    I had Tesla emblem puddle lights on my 3 & Y and we loved them.

    Bought some on Amazon for my '24 PX before delivery, but then noticed they are round, not rectangular. I'd love to get ones for the front door, but not ready to do surgery to make these fit.

    1. thecraw2k

      Yup same issue the refresh s and x both have the round puddle lights and are incompatible with the older rectangular lights. I think it's a stupid thing they did to change them., the round ones are way smaller so. Even if they come out with an aftermarket puddle light for the refresh it's going to be crap having to be smaller and round.

  4. 1776DontTreadOnMe74

    Has anyone found any?

    1. Commercial_Wheel1597

      https://www.ebay.com/itm/145865360817?fits=Make%3ATesla&itmmeta=01J21PVGWQ2PEP5ECAXMF1NH64&hash=item21f640c5b1:g:m60AAOSwMi1mgxoL&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8JZymFfo3XLSva2KrC%2FsXzl72OCSya0aPbYowoDyfzCfHrSujY%2B%2FVhejg2vZKtElGpPLg2MFo6vBS15l%2FjcY56BtfORexJUL7VFdREUWLEp%2F%2BltP3t2q3nBvtJfaQrpVPjgkoV5dqI1SJbbO1RNAIUZNYBONBT3hA54gv8HAr%2FILv10Q5EonIZTUurgIHSYrOGmjf114KzLVJeygKj%2BCxr125uayHrOzse28q4qak8ztEkWY%2BSL67nJjmKW3Epp3g%2BRCj0L4RCXGQqoeX2aNErMccRlYppL7CKDdz1rHAy368VA3TjE5VGspRd35xYGUwQ%3D%3D%7Ctkp%3ABFBMvI7utpBk These are bright and they are rectangular. The guy also offeres other styles/emblem.

      The shield ones looks nice:


      1. 1776DontTreadOnMe74

        The newer model X’s are circular lights. Right? I haven’t taken delivery yet but that’s what I’ve read online.

        1. Commercial_Wheel1597

          I believe so and they are just the size of a nickel so no aftermarket puddle lights for that yet.

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