How do I know when to have the air filter replaced? Is there any indication light that will monitor when this is ‘full’?

I have my Model Y just over a year. I read on the Tesla service website that it’s recommended to replace the air filter every 2 years, and every 1 year in China. I live in Europe, and drove over 52.000km during a single year. Recently I’ve been coughing a lot and was thinking if maybe a full air filter could be the reason. Should an air filter be replaced quicker when driving a lot of kilometers, or still stick to the normal replacement every 2 years?

On what usage is the 2 years mentioned by Tesla calculated?

Tag: tesla air filter replacement


  1. Sweet_Yellow_8646

    50k km. I think it’s time to change lol

  2. Geeky_1

    Are you in a dusty and/or polluted environment? You can pull them out and look to see if they are very dirty. The website has a video showing how to pull and replace them. You should probably spend for the hepa filters if concerned or in a dusty or polluted environment.

  3. throwawayTooth7

    Pull it out and take a look at it. That's the best way. Otherwise 2 years.

  4. kimchibaeritto

    I recirc most of the time. When I pulled my filters on my 21, they were brand spanking new looking. They looked like the new ones out the box actually

  5. FrankyWNL

    I think the condition of 'replace every 2 years in Europe' is not only because of the better air quality compared to China, but more or less also because of the average miles per year, which is about 12.500 miles / 20.000 km. If you've been driven about 52.000 km in a year, I won't be surprised if your air filter is ready for a change.

    As the comment from u/throwawayTooth7 mentioned, it's the best to pull the two filters out (they are stacked) and decide. On the other hand, 52.000 km is quite a lot they had to go through. Replacement is inexpensive.

  6. taney71

    Yeah, as others have said environment and use/driving matter a great deal. So if you drive a ton and live in the country which has a ton of pollen, etc. you might want to change the filter each year.

  7. easybitsy

    Most car manufacturer is using 12k-15k miles/yr when they give these recommendations, real world factor definitely pays a big role. If you drive 52k km a year then you should replace it. The filter is under $20 in US and you can definitel do it yourself

  8. bartbilliet

    Thanks all for your replies, I ended up having the air filter replaced via Tesla mobile service. The filter didn’t look too awfully bad, not the major dust collection I had imagined, but still happy it’s changed.

    1. xinhbubu

      How much did they charge you sir ?

      1. bartbilliet

        Not sure, it was included in my car leasing so I didn't receive the bill directly. From what I saw online though the component itself would be pretty cheap, I was mostly worried about costs of mobile technician that needed to drive to me.

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