1. mRydz

    Did you remote start your car & let it warm up from the inside out? Or check if the handles on the other side were less frozen? Usually these work, but as a Canadian…sometimes what you did is just the only way in the winter.

    1. Kiwi_Apart

      Walked up at the end of the day and was surprised. Was barely below freezing

      1. mRydz

        Ouf. Honestly it’s usually the freezing rain or ice that’s worse than the actual temperature. At -40C my door handles don’t usually freeze (though getting a car to start can be dicey depending on the car). At 0C through to -10C - and especially if the temperature fluctuates so it goes from rain to snow during the time the car’s outside - then that sheet of ice can be brutal to try to get through on any car. And rolling down windows? That’s definitely not happening! Lol

  2. Real_Finding_3297

    Warm it up! I’ve never had any issues. Sweden 🇸🇪

    1. Kiwi_Apart

      Next time .. if I remember!

  3. Glad_Departure_4598

    You could use the keyfob to open the window (you can configure this to open the only drivers door window by holding down unlock - more in the car's settings) and open it from the inside.

  4. GoodOmens

    Either poor boiling water on it or put some in a ziploc bag and hold against it

    Trick I learned with the Tesla windows…

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