I've seen my previous car coated in a quarter inch of ice that took 3 days to melt off. I could only open one door and crawl up to the driver's seat. With the retractable handles, no chance of getting in.


Do the handles retract when it is near/below freezing? They should not or it should be an option.

Is there an option to turn off handle retraction when powered off? For the 12V issue alone I would think this would be a nice feature. Not sure why the handles need to retract when off other than the cool factor.

If you remote start the vehicle, is there a heating element on the door handles to de-ice them?

Tag: tesla door handles frozen


  1. redditalex247

    2. There is no setting for retraction unfortunately.

    3. I've noticed that when the climate is on there is a bit of an air is blowing around the handles. I hope it should help during the winter.

    1. Rmdcltch

      I noticed the air around the handles too. I wonder if it’s for ice…

    2. hypersonic3000

      Interesting. I'll turn on climate control on a cold morning and take a picture with a thermal camera.

  2. faizimam

    I have a ioniq 5. Done 3 winters in Montréal.

    Handles have been fine.

    1. RefuseOverall1829

      The Ioniq 5 handles are nothing like the EV9.

      1. faizimam

        They are motorized retracting handles and people regularly ask in these communities if they get frozen in the winter.

        One pivots on one side and the other pushes out straight, but both could in theory be affected by ice at first glance

    2. hypersonic3000

      Thanks for replying.

  3. UnhappySwing

    I'm not sure I understand the concern. If ice is fully coating the handle area, take a scraper to the flush surface, then pop the handle out? This seems easier to deal with then a "regular" handle with water frozen in/underneath it.

    1. Rmdcltch

      Hmmm. I wouldn’t want to take a scraper to my paint…

    2. hypersonic3000

      Definitely not putting a scraper on a painted surface. For context, last time this happened, my car was parked at an airport. It was about 20 degrees and the car was solid ice. The only scraper I had available was a credit card because my actual ice scraper was inside the frozen car.

      1. UnhappySwing

        fair enough about the scraper, but in that situation how would having regular handles be any different?

        1. hypersonic3000

          I at least had something to grab to pull like all hell on and hope the door would open.

          Granted, extreme scenario, but we probably have one or two good ice storms a year that could be problematic.

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