Why hasn’t Tesla created an option to be able to remotely turn on your cars hazard lights? I think it’d be a great add on in case you ever feel the need to have them on but not next to the car. Also, with Actually Smart Summon out now, it’d be great if you can turn on hazards remotely if car fails halfway etc.

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  1. rcuadro

    The car does turn on the hazards when it fails half way doesn't it?

    1. Future-Lab4551

      I’ve noticed it was only for a short few seconds but I think it’d be great if it gave us the option to turn it on or off remotely

  2. Mundane-Tennis2885

    Pretty sure it does, I've seen an actually smart summon video where it stopped and put hazards on. I've had the car automatically emergency brake for me and it turn the hazards on by itself. I'm not sure I've ever felt the need to turn hazards on remotely though. You can already flash lights or honk remotely or use a custom lock sound just trying to understand purpose

  3. Tin_Can_739

    When my drive inverter was failing intermittently, the hazards would come on and the go pedal had no go or regen. For issues the car sees they do turn on automatically. There is a flash the lights function on my ‘23 model3, this can work to find the car in a dark parking lot.

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