1. tobycth3

    Looks like a rubber stopper not a button

    1. [deleted]

      It is in fact a button it pushes in I should have included that.

      1. Kimorin

        you made me go out to the garage and test it, it's indeed a rubber stopper and it doesn't push in

        1. [deleted]

          Well man, mine definitely pushes in. I’m able to push it in all the way flush with the surface weird. I in fact moved around all of my other three handles and they push in as well.

          1. Kimorin

            hmm.. i dunno then, mine definitely doesn't push in...

          2. [deleted]

            Interesting what year is yours? That makes no sense they push in on 2023 MYP, It’s definitely a button.

          3. TerrysClavicle

            i highly doubt it's a button... the handle needs something to rest on.

          4. [deleted]

            You are absolutely right that even though it has spring action, it’s actually what holds the handle from being with slack. same day changed it from your 2020 or something because it used to be solid instead of spring action

          5. llamacohort

            I just got a 24 MYP and it pushes in as well. It could be a sensor to see if the door handles are stuck open. Or it could just be that they added a spring to have a little more give than a rubber stopper.

          6. [deleted]

            It's a rubber stop, I looked at mine too god damn. Confidently wrong people.

          7. [deleted]

            wonder why it pushes in like a button on 23+ but not 22-

          8. [deleted]

            I don’t know. I just read another forum on Tesla that says, even though it pushes like a button that it’s not connected to anything seems to be a mystery.

      2. iwantthisnowdammit

        Yeah, ‘23 here and seems like a button on all 4 handles.

        1. [deleted]

          It is absolutely buttons most of down voters here probably don’t even have a Tesla . The shit people fucking down vote man bunch of clueless people, wow!!

          1. iwantthisnowdammit

            Well, it may have changed. Tesla may have designed the hardware before the update. I understand that later 22+ got the revised door cards and who knows what else… including secret buttons which were filled with stoppers before!

            All said, it definitely pushes 2.5 to 3 or so mm in, it’s a slide feeling and not a mushy pencil eraser feeling.

          2. [deleted]

            Thank you, absolutely

  2. wbemtest

    As far as I remember this should be just a rubber damper. If your door handle is frozen, simply open through the app by pressing the icon unlatch door.

    1. eatshibby

      Perhaps this is the cylinder that pushes out to activate the door handle via the app?

      1. envybelmont

        The door open function in the app doesn’t move the door handles, it just triggers the door popper and release of the latch.

        1. eatshibby

          Yeah that makes sense, I’ve used the app function before and never saw the handles move so I dunno why I thought that might be it 🧐

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