1. Credit-Limit

    If there aren’t any serious tech upgrades, this car will be a problem for Tesla. It looks different, not better than the current MY. Takes elements from the cyber truck which is proven to be a very polarizing vehicle in terms of taste.

    I’m very curious to see the tech specs and price point. Those will be the deal makers or breakers.

    1. iwantthisnowdammit

      What tech upgrades are lacking in the current/highland model? I’m really struggling to ask for more with the exception of V2h.

      As for looks, I don’t find borrowing the light bar that polarizing. Making a vehicle the shape of the letter “A” is polarizing.

      1. LobL

        Side facing cameras at the rear for backing out of a driveway with bad visibility, an actual working rain sensor, ventilated seats and some more apps would be nice. We bought the MYP last year and I would also have loved to be able to pick 19-20” wheels over the 21”.

        1. ChetHazelEyes

          They should just quietly put back the real rain sensor and call it a day. Years of promises and the vision-based rain sensor still isn’t as good as a regular rain sensor.

          1. LobL

            It’s just that it’s not as good, it’s horrible. It doesent work.

        2. Credit-Limit

          Great examples. I’m thinking also increased battery capacity and better supercharging performance.

          Tesla wants more people to adopt EVs and I don’t see how this car will do that unless the charging curve is improved and a driver can get over 400 miles of range on a full charge.

        3. 415z

          +1 for better cameras. I can’t believe how a car with this many cameras still has such poor parking visibility. It is quite common for city drivers to get curb rash. And why no Birds Eye view??

    2. DankShibe

      Nah it looks much better.


    Underwhelming, but just having bought a 2o25, w/FSD transferred, 0% interest, -9,500, it was just too good to pass up. This makes me feel much better about not waiting.

    1. PastOpportunity3326

      Me to..... that is not worth the wait....

  3. fitevepe

    The current one looks better

    1. botdrip1

      Yeah think I might still go ahead and get a used 22 p at this point

  4. HippityHoppity530

    Damn i was holding off for the refresh and now im meh about it. Hopefully the specs and range are proper improvements. Really thought id have the new 3 front end regarding headlights.

    Looks like a Hyundai in front and a Volvo in the rear.

    1. iwantthisnowdammit

      Pretty accurate, back looks tidy, the front continues to be meh.

    2. WithDisGuyTravel

      I personally hate it and it’s not something I would buy. Too polarizing. Oh well, maybe in 5-7 years they will make one that looks good again.

  5. Oreegamii

    Having own a Tesla, I just want one that can go above 400 miles range and still be affordable. Seems only the Model S earlier versions boast this range without any additional motor upgrades as claimed in Cybertruck. I have a home charger but being able to have sufficient mileage is a no brainer on a Tesla. The FSD makes driving fun and something to look forward to.

    1. joefresco2

      Unfortunately, it won't be the Juniper Model Y that meets those conditions first... it will be the next Model 3 because it is more aerodynamic. The Highland 3 is already close with a tested 100% range of 375 at 75MPH. An extra 10 kwh to the battery would get it there and would only increase the price a bit.

  6. ifdefmoose

    I don’t care much about styling. I want the new Y to have better suspension and ventilated seats. The rest is just superficial.

    And better auto wipers, using an IR sensor like every other car on the road, but they will never happen.

    1. Previous_Ad_agentX

      Are the M3 seats ventilated?

      1. tumbleweedzzz


        1. Previous_Ad_agentX

          So are you saying the Model Y seats don’t have either heat or cooling?

  7. TheTimeIsChow

    At least in terms of design, I'm shocked at how little this shares with the model 3.

    Discounted all of the rumors out of China over the past year figuring it would only make sense (in terms of cost/complexity) if it continued on as the slightly bigger brother.

    I get the rest of the car will likely remain close to identical. But this is making a pretty bold statement by distinguishing the two models.

    Makes me wonder what other rumors out of China might come to fruition. Offering the Y with a larger pack/more range and a 6 seat captains chair variant. Offering the 3 with cloth seats and a cut down interior.

    Maybe the goal long-term is to widen the gap between the 3 and the Y. Both in terms of price but also capability.

    3 turns into a true 'budget' offering, Y sees a slight price hike and turns into a mid-range price offering with more range, S/X/CT are premium.

  8. nobody-u-heard-of

    Don't like cutout for license plate on front

  9. Creepysarcasticgeek

    I’m honestly less interested in how it looks and more interested if they will do something more interesting in the inferior or under the hood.

  10. wkm001

    I don't like it.

  11. hughmungouschungus

    Everytime something new comes out people complain it sucks and the old version is better. Everyone did it for the highland and now nobody can stop talking about how much of an upgrade it is to the previous gen.

    The car will be good, everyone will love it especially the Tesla fans, and there will definitely be 2024 model Ys up for sale.

    1. CorgiTitan

      People in denial downvoting you. Every owner of any existing product justices their purchase with denial of how a new product isn’t better.

      People don’t know how to swallow their pride nowadays.

      Have a bit of humility people

      1. hughmungouschungus

        Yup lol welcome to reddit

      2. hughmungouschungus

        Now that it's out they're definitely all crying 😂 it's pretty cool

    2. gymcccc

      I remember the hate the Highland received too initially. Now, I have a 24 M3P. Just waiting for the hate train to pass

      1. matthew19

        Yea I happened across teslas Highland Launch video on X, tons of hate.

  12. Puzzleheaded_Ear5151


  13. OCR10

    All we really have here are a few photos of the exterior. I’m going to withhold judgement until I can see the complete picture. While the Highland design updates were nice, the real improvements were to the ride quality, cabin noise, and quality of interior materials. That matters more to me than what the head and tail lights look like.

    1. Fifty7ven

      The exterior is what people are judging. I think everyone knows the car will be better.

      1. Key_Consequence9726

        For the most part every year the new version is better than the previous

        I want to see it in person myself

        If the leaked interior pictures are true, I actually like the rectangle steering wheel, was going to install a cybertruck wheel on my Y

  14. Masry_hawk

    Super ugly

  15. IAnetworking


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