Tesla Model Y. Buy now or wait for Juniper?
The current offer is $4000 off, plus $7,500 ev credit, plus 0% for 5 years. I paid the order fee but now I am worried since hearing about the refresh. Will Juniper be more expensive?
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The current offer is $4000 off, plus $7,500 ev credit, plus 0% for 5 years. I paid the order fee but now I am worried since hearing about the refresh. Will Juniper be more expensive?
Personally I’d wait. Unlike a phone or something. A car is an item that we generally keep for many years.
I would initially be happy with the deal, but regret not waiting once the refresh was officially announced.
Everyone is different. What specifically are you worried about?
Yes, and probably will have bugs and stuff that needs to be fixed. You have a great offer now tbh
The Model 3 didn't have any issues like that, so it doesn't make sense to assume the Model Y would. Unless they change something drastic.
For any brand it usually pays off to wait at least a year when buying a new model. In the first year usually new models have some small bugs and problems.
Wait till December if you can. There will be good promotions then.
Why do you say?
End of quarter push to reach targets usually leads Tesla to do incentives
The offer is already best?
Wait for excelsior.
What is excelsior?
Model Q?
It will be more expensive (no inventory discounts), there will be no 0% financing and there will be a bit of wait time at the beginning.
Realistically speaking, you will be able to get a decent deal on the Juniper in Q4 2025...
Yeah maybe if you are not in a hurry to buy a car. And think the probable new features of juniper are really useful for you wait. Or else just buy now. Just remember your model y current version will depreciate in value a lot more once juniper arrives.
There's information circling that it will be cheaper because they were able to reduce production cost. It will not be more expensive than the current model, it will be the same price at most. The Model 3 Refresh wasn't more expensive than the outgoing model except for where inventory discounts were.
So it will be more expensive than what you can get the Y now.?
No, the MSRP should be the same price as now or possibly cheaper. There's no need for it to be more expensive and ruin their streak of selling so quickly. It just won't have any inventory discounts or 0% interest like the outgoing model, until end of quarter sales.
If the juniper doesnt have 0% financing or inventory discounts, it will be more costly than buying a model Y now. Could be $5-10,000 more. ~$5000 in interest alone at 3%
There are no inventory models available near me right now, so I would have to order a current Modely Y, so I'd be paying the normal MSRP regardless of the interest rate being 0 or 3 or even 5%. Juniper will be the same MSRP. So either you want a discounted current model, or you don't care either way and would prefer to get Juniper.
There is 0% APR on a lease for the Highland now. People thought the same thing about the Highland so it shows you never really know. It's 1.99% for Financing.
The current Y is their best-selling car. Tried and tested, but you will see slight depreciation due to the refresh. But that should be covered by the inventory discount you are getting.
Tesla will try to lower the cost and use cheaper materials on the inside in the new Y The cabin build quality has improved lowering cabin noise, and you ll get a rear screen and LED lights. ( rare chance that the federal discount is gone by mid of next year)
If you need a car now , buy now. If you can wait, then get the juniper.
I was in the same situation as you 1 month ago and don't regret my decision of buying the Y even though i did not get any inventory discount ( it's not any better right now around me and I did not want to buy a demo car wiht 2K miles on it )
I purposely did not wait for Juniper because I am not a fan of the restyling they did (if the leaked pictures are correct). And our service center said that in Europe the refresh will be a bit less obvious in terms of techniques and parts, because the current Y's build in Berlin already have some of the upgrades (like double laminated glass at the back) that Juniper will get.
Also, I like stalks.
Is this true? Where did you get the info from? I am waiting just because the Model 3 is much quieter and comfortable than the Y. double laminated back glasses could solve some of it already.
The Tesla Service Center here in Groningen, The Netherlands
No blinker stocks is a no go for me. Buy now
So this question gets asked pretty much every day and the answer is always the same:
- If you don't care about paying more for Juniper due to there being no discounts, incentives, financing promos, etc, then wait for Juniper.
Unless buying cash, you'll most likely have to finance at current rates. Just like the Model 3 refresh and Cybertruck, you'll be the guinea pig for the first many months for any quality control issues (not panel gaps but possibly bigger issues).
- If you care about saving money, you're literally getting $12,000 discount + 0% financing on the current Tesla right now which is huge.
Cries in lack of discounted inventory in my area
Unfortunately first come, first serve and it seems like everyone flocked to the inventory page the first 2 days when the 0% financing promo went live in the US.
Now lots of locations barely have inventory discounts or just none at all.
How do you get $4000 off?
Missed the window. They are all out of 24 inventory now.
I just bought my 2025 model Y and I am so happy with it. I hope you’re no longer worried, the tax credit and the 0% for 60mo is worth it in itself! Enjoy the car and if you don’t, commit insurance fraud 🤷♂️
I actually went to the dealership this week to talk about this. I was worried upon hearing that the new model would come out soon and was wondering the same thing. However when I went there the people I talked too told me that there would likely be no 4,000 off, 7,500 tax return, and 0% APR. Also you can look at your VIN number to determine whether your car will be a 2024 model or 2025( 2025 and juniper are different) The 2025 model is getting some updates in the exterior and interior this year which is good. To figure out your car, look at the 10th digit. If it is a “r”, your car will be a 2024 model. If it is a “s”, it will be a 2025 model. Keep in mind the 2025 and Juniper are different. Hope this helps
Does your 2025 have a new different interior than the 2024?
I don't know yet, but I'm picking it up on the 18th. I'll tell you more when I see it.
Sure please let me know more details..my delivery is 23rd
Hello, Exterior and Interior are both the same. Seems there will be no updates till the Juniper refresh. Hope this helps! Congratulations on your car!
Hello, I just picked it up. Unfortunately, it seems that the interior is the exact same as the 2024 model, it is only labeled as a 2025 car 😔 Exterior is also same.
Only thing that would make me mad about purchasing a new Y last month would be more range personally not a big fan of the new styling. Deals are just too good right now to pass up and roll the dice IMO.
Juniper won’t come out till second half of next year, by then we knows what EV credits will be like, also there is no way to know if Tesla will offer 0% a year from now and on top of that they sure won’t have inventory discounts on new models. Will the price be more, it’s hard to tell, might go up by $1-2k if anything.
If you need a car today, do it and enjoy it. We all can look back and say if we waited for next model but then all we would have done is waited
Do what I'm doing...wait til Dec 2024 or March 2025. That's when the best deals will come, and then again when the refresh is announced and they have to get rid of the last of inventory. We'll get the same deals.
At the same time, don't listen to folks saying the refresh will be more expensive. It will be the same price as a current new Model Y non refresh. It could also possibly be cheaper since Elon said production costs have been reduced and so has the price the updated batteries. And they will want folks to buy the refresh and could offer .99 or 1.99 percent still making it less expensive than standard rates.
Unless you're getting a discounted current Model, then wait for the refresh if having to place a new order.
No doubt also not come with $4000 off or 0% financing. If you like the ‘24 grab it!
Also the tax credit requirements get more stringent every year. So, no guarantee that the Juniper would qualify. The Model 3 Highland did not qualify for a couple of months
The current tax credit and requirements will be the same til 2032. Easy Google search will tell you.
A quick google search could have prevented you from commenting but here we are:
“Critical Minerals: To be eligible for the $3,750 critical minerals portion of the tax credit, the percentage of the value of the battery’s critical minerals that are extracted or processed in the United States or a U.S. free-trade agreement partner or recycled in North America, must meet or exceed the following thresholds:
Critical minerals minimum percent value requirement
2023 40% 2024 50% 2025 60% 2026 70% 2027 and later 80%
Battery Components: To be eligible for the $3,750 battery components portion of the tax credit, the percentage of the value of the battery’s components that are manufactured or assembled in North America must meet or exceed the following thresholds:
Battery components minimum percent value requirement
2023 50% 2024 and 2025 60% 2026 70% 2027 80% 2028 90% 2029 and later 100%”
And if the requirements are met, then what? Do you have something that specifically stated requirements won't be met or has a guarantee that it won't?
I just said “there is no guarantee that the Juniper would qualify,” which means it can qualify, there is just no guarantee yet. Not sure why you’re getting riled up here.
How am I riled up? I simply made a statement. Nothing is guaranteed in either direction because no one knows anything, but we can speculate. I'm certain Elon thought of the requirements so people can still take advantage and there's plenty of battery tech upgrades coming. Just not a fan of confident skepticism.
Well you start the discussion with a confident but sarcastic tone when you’re wrong and then you move the goal post when my first original comment wasn’t even controversial so yeah you sound pretty riled up.
In any case, if you think it’s 100% certain that the Juniper would qualify, that’s up to you.
Where was I wrong? The requirements were set for any vehicle from April 2023 going forward still being up to 7500 til 2032. So why wouldn't the vehicles meet the requirements if the manufacturer knows these are the requirements until 2032...the odds of Juniper still qualifying are much greater than thinking they won't. Or do you think Elon is going to let his hottest selling vehicle that is mostly selling due to the tax credit, not be capable of meeting the requirements so he can continue to sell them like hot cakes...that's logical?
This is your sentence: “the current tax credit and requirements will be the same til 2032.” In fact, they’re not. The law is explicitly written with different requirements for every year.
Model Y Juniper may not qualify exactly for the same reason that the 2023 LFP Model 3 qualified while the 2024 Model 3 LFP did not qualify for the tax credit. Tesla instead stopped selling the LFP models because they couldn’t have them eligible for the tax credit in 2024. Upon release, Model 3 LR AWD did not qualify for the tax credit either and it only did after a couple months.
Similar but slightly different, 2023 RWD Model Y stopped qualifying for the tax credit in 2024. Cybertruck also still doesn’t qualify.
We do have multiple cases of cars starting to become ineligible for the tax credit with the new year, and all I said was that this was also possible for the Juniper. This isn’t even controversial or difficult to understand and I can’t believe I’m writing multiple paragraphs on this. My last reply to this but be my guest if you crave to twist your own words and sentences.
Where did I twist anything? I reiterated the same thing twice.
This aged poorly
No it hasn't, because it still exists and will through at minimum mid next year. And that's only speculation that he'll remove it. If he does, then come back and say it aged poorly. It has to be fine first.
Agree with others, unless you want to wait likely a year or more (my guess is Juniper will likely get discounted similarly at this point) then pricing is likely to be near it’s best with a new model on the horizon. Will be hard to beat for a while.
Likewise the refresh was an improvement but not groundbreaking in any way. I doubt many people would pay 6K more for a vehicle (no discount plus higher interest rate) for those features.
I’ll sell you mine. 😂
Just lease!!
I asked myself the same question. I’m picking up mine on Friday. The Juniper won’t likely ship til springish and will be more expensive with no 0% APR. no tanks. I’m coming from a 2015 Jeep. This is more than enough for me.
2014 Jeep in the house! It's so crazy hearing people talk about how 'loud' their teslas can be. Coming from my jeep, this is a godsend
Facts 🤣.. my Jeep is so loud I had to google why
I'm waiting for 2026 AI 5.
Wait for 2029 or later
Does the current model come with the 6 or 7 seat option? I heard that the juniper will. Does anyone know?
get it now. tesla Y is full of bugs regardless first year of 5th year. Get the new one and enjoy.
I bought it. Super deal.
Watch out for curbs though.
I hit one today 🤦🏻♂️
I had this same concern back in September 2023..
Rumours were alive back then too, glad I bit the bullet as it's been over a year and 25k miles.
If you need a car now, just pull the trigger. If you don't, then just hold off for a year
If it’s your 1st Tesla you will be blown away no matter what.
juniper won’t realistically hit market until Q1 maybe Q2 2025.
just look at 3 and translate to juniper. New seats will AC holes. Screen in back seat.
slightly different styling.
if biggest bang for y buck matters do the non juniper.
* the only reason I might upgrade to a juniper is 48 volt architecture. but it’s not enough.