1. Lost_Purpose1899

    I will not be surprised if it's designed in China since the electric car market over there is the biggest in the world. Of course Tesla has to cater to the Chinese taste/ preferences. We are just an after thought.

    1. taney71

      Welcome to the new world order. The IS doesn’t dominate on every thing

    2. WithDisGuyTravel

      Right but it looks cheap. Like someone pretending to be rich.

      1. LoveOfSpreadsheets

        It looks like a knockoff Prius Prime

        1. WithDisGuyTravel

          😂 cannot unsee this now

      2. Few-Crew9509

        We’re talking model Y’s here, found on every street corner. There is no pretending to be rich with a model 3 or y

      3. GOAT_MilkToast

        That’s how the Chinese think luxury works and looks like.

        1. NoReportToday

          Also western luxury. It's just tastes and trends.

          1. GOAT_MilkToast

            True Western luxury is more refined, less ostentatious. More understated with emphasis on quality.

          2. ArtieLange

            lol this is the funniest take on luxury. Have you seen BMW and Mercedes designs right now? Emphasis on quality is also a crazy take.

          3. GOAT_MilkToast

            Can’t expect the proles to understand luxury.

          4. nexus22nexus55

            Every tesla competitor Chinese ev I sat in felt infinitely more luxurious than the model Y.

          5. viz_tastic

            Teslas are by fact neck and shoulders above most Chinese EVs, there is just one near competitor.  Majority of Chinese EVs are cheap and bad ride quality - specifically the BYD didi/zhuan Che/ uber ones.

            You might like having three, four screens in your car glaring and blinding you. Or pointless additional features that look like perks but aren’t. Worse driving performance, overall larger size vehicles than Model Y which make it difficult to maneuver. 

            Plus Chinese don’t allow FSD which is a huge, huge disadvantage for Chinese brands. The rest of the world doesn’t know how good they have it!

          6. nexus22nexus55

            yeah, no. I'm talking about build quality and material quality which are of the bottom barrel variety. no one in this sub is going to argue against that. us owners know that we're driving elon's cost cutting specials.

            and btw, the saying is "head and shoulders". btw, how's the pic of your parking lot full of teslas going? it's been what, 1 month since you last promised?

          7. wongl888

            I don’t find my MY ride all that great to be honest.

          8. viz_tastic

            You would if you drove even half of Chinese EVs.  

            Trust me. 

            Does your Model Y have FSD or are you only able to use the supervised FSD since/if you’re in China?

          9. wongl888

            No FSD available in Hong Kong although available for sale on the Tesla website from day one.

          10. nexus22nexus55

            It's not. It's hard as a rock and this is on my '23 with the "comfort" suspension.

          11. GOAT_MilkToast

            You Must be a $.50 cent army CCP Shill, they don’t sell garbage Chinese EV’s in America.

          12. nexus22nexus55

            which chinese EVs have you sat in? actually, no need to answer that. a 90's pinto is more luxurious than a tesla.

          13. [deleted]

            Wow sounds like a disgruntled ex-Tesla employee. Sad.

          14. wongl888

            Wow sounds like a disgruntled ex-Tesla employee. Sad.

      4. T_Hankss

        Doesn't all Teslas? 🤔 /s to be fair, I like the new design.

        1. WithDisGuyTravel

          Nothing wrong with disagreeing on what something looks like. I think it looks cheap and don’t like it. Not a big deal tho. I also think the cyber truck is hideous. The light bar looks ridiculous.

    3. GOAT_MilkToast

      It was. I worked at Tesla

      1. G00G00Daddy

        Can confirm. This guy worked at Tesla.

        1. nexus22nexus55

          Can confirm. This guy confirmed that the other guy worked at tesla.

          1. mrushabh

            Can confirm. This guy confirmed that the other guy confirmed that the other guy worked at tesla.

          2. Automatic-Attempt777

            Unable to confirm anything.

          3. Sad-Anywhere4975

            Can confirm, previous person cannot confirm anything.

          4. Enragedocelot

            I digress

          5. GOAT_MilkToast

            I’m in agreement with 9 out of 10 commenters on this thread, I can confirm I did work at Tesla Fremont, General Assembly 3, Model 3, SubFrame, production control dispatcher north docks.

          6. Welfi1988

            Can confirm this person digressed

    4. AlgorithmicSurfer

      As we should be. Market forces dictate design. It’s why movies all suck now, and likely will into the future.

    5. DrSendy

      Who'se "we". I don't think I'm in the same country as you.

  2. Shepo84

    I’d say designed for the Chinese market, hence the look

  3. BananaFreeway

    Tesla Cybertruck concept 2019.

  4. Grouchy-Business2974

    I think it looks like the Hyundai Kona EV.

  5. EL677

    Model y looks much better tbh

    1. spodenki

      Very unique front light bar there Tesla. Good move.

      1. Turbulent-Abroad7841

        I'm saving this comparison whenever someone says the new model y looks unique

  6. ryzenguy111

    Rumour has it that most of the design and development work for Highland was done in China. Its probably the same here

  7. the_tral

    The xpeng looks like the cheap wish knockoff of Tesla 😂

    1. hurtfulproduct

      Except in this case the Xpeng came first. . . It does look like a mashup of a Tesla and Hyundai in a bad way though

      1. Terrapins1990

        um unless your saying xpeng somehow travelled back in time tesla model y came first. Xpeng like many chinese brands tend to do always try to copy another brands product that is really popular

        1. nexus22nexus55

          Xpeng g6 came came before juniper.

    2. Explosev

      They’re really lacking with the software especially, temu software haha

      1. [deleted]

        ??? Are you correcting their word choice?

        1. Gold-Passion-7358

          ??? Are you correcting their word choice?

      2. Terrapins1990

        what do you expect its chinese literally xiaomi and huawei for the longest time were knock offs of apple

        1. Explosev

          Just amazes me how one could copy it so badly, and seems like we have some xpeng lovers in here from the downvotes lmao

  8. WithDisGuyTravel

    My first thought was this was the first Tesla where they prioritized the cheap fake rich look that is preferred in China over what Americans wanted.

    1. GOAT_MilkToast

      They didn’t think our opinions were valued.

      1. katherinesilens

        The sad thing is, it makes sense not to. China is a vastly larger EV market with more viable electric competition. The US has a much more hostile attitude to electric vehicle adoption, and most domestically available competition isn't up to scratch or taking the piss (i.e. Toyota) in relation to what the buyers want. Moreover, Tesla has way more influence in US policy, and US policymakers have demonstrated a will to enforce protectionist isolationism.

        So why innovate for the US consumer? Of course they'd aim for the Chinese consumer.

        1. GOAT_MilkToast

          I like my current Y, I’m disappointed by the changes they made to the refresh. Looks cheap, like a Kia or something Chinese. Definitely a downgrade aside from the ventilated seats.

          1. DrSendy

            I think they went with a cybertruck look.Is Elon trying to make calls on the design language or something?

  9. shocontinental

    This article from 3 years ago said Tesla was going to set up a design center in Beijing.

    1. MisterBumpingston

      Pretty sure this is where they designed Model 3 “Highland” facelift and all the accessories that don’t make it to other countries.

    2. Professional-Bag8540

      3 years later... they copied the copycathttps://electrek.co/2025/01/10/tesla-goes-full-circle-and-copies-its-own-copycat-with-new-model-y/

      1. GOAT_MilkToast

        Eye for an eye type irony

  10. Logical_Rhubarb_8398

    No, it was sculpted by the breezy hands of a wind tunnel!

  11. GOAT_MilkToast

    Duh 🙄

  12. Phoenix__Light

    Bruh who cares?

    1. eskjcSFW


    2. _your_face

      Who in the model Y sub cares about talking about model Y design?

      You want to let us know what discussions you believe SHOULD be in the model Y sub?

  13. Square_Classroom_697

    Looks Chinese. Not a fan

    1. WithDisGuyTravel

      It’s def uglier but to each their own. Some will like it.

  14. Computers_and_cats

    Probably hired some H-1B workers to do the design.

    1. GOAT_MilkToast

      They don’t have those in China. This was designed by Teslas Chinese division.

      1. Computers_and_cats

        Ah I thought the US division did all the stuff and the other countries were just manufacturing for their locations. I guess a Tesla is no more of an American car than a Ford.

        1. GOAT_MilkToast

          Nah, it was part of the deal in getting the China factory built, they had to throw the Chinese a bone and gave them a small design division, they’re really only trusted with refreshers, the real design work is still done in Hawthorne, Ca

          1. Computers_and_cats

            Ah. Interesting to know.

        2. katherinesilens

          No, Tesla is definitely more American than Ford. The design work may be spread, but Tesla US cars are almost entirely sourced and built in the US; Tesla is the leading automaker in that regard.

          US Fords are often built in the US, but not all. There's a significant amount of Mexican assembly volume and supply chain is much more spread out than Tesla's.

  15. Electrical_Quality_6

    The light goes all the way on the Tesla. Straight white beautiful light. Sleek,Nothing in the middle.

  16. jeedaiaaron


  17. lin1960

    china copy everything part 9999.

  18. Emergency_Ad_733

    Yes it was. But Xpeng copies a lot from Tesla, mostly their concept designs and stuff. That's why it looks like Tesla have copied Xpeng on the new headlights on M3 highland and some of the details on the Juniper

    1. wongl888

      So who copied who?

      1. Darking78

        In this case Tesla copied, because XPENG has had the same light design on the g9 since 2022/23

  19. matthew19

    Is it at all possible the US market gets a different front, like model 3? Would that ruin the economies of scale? seems like each plant could handle a slightly different design.

    1. wongl888

      This is entirely possible. Shanghai factory did not move to HW4 until Jan 2024 and that was for Highland only. They also kept USS on the MY (for HK and Australia) until middle 2024 when MY adopted HW4.

  20. Anonym0oO

    The Model Y would look better without these gaps in the front lightbar

  21. Gyat_Rizzler69

    Most cars now are designed for the Chinese market. Even BMW designs for China first now since they are the largest market. The change in headlights is part of the trend, makes the cars look more "familiar"

  22. Glad_Balance2205

    china is where teslas main r&d teams are at.

  23. kjettern69

    Thought exactly the same thing

  24. drdonger60

    Doesn’t matter where it was designed. It looks much more modern and sleek than the current model. There is always pushback and hate from current model owners until they start buying the new one. The new M3 was the same. It’s a better car than the outgoing model in every way. Tesla knows what they are doing.

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