Navigation history doesn’t clear
I have an embarrassing navigation (may those without sin cast the first stone) location in my history. Deleting it (long press, X) only temporarily removes it and it comes right back. It even taunts me by being in the suggested locations.
I haven’t found anything other than a full reset of the computer. Anyone have any ideas?
Update: swiping right to delete a location works. I checked later and it’s still gone, and so far not showing up as a recommendation.
Future Pro Tip: Just enter an address of across the street or the next block.
Carplay would be perfect
Carplay and Android Auto are intentionally left out. Which is a shame because I don't like adapting to an entirely different map system. You'd think for how expensive these cars are, you'd get support for those widely-used applications.
OP, please tell us where you went
This is fantastic. Thank you for the entertainment OP.
Did you possibly save it as a favorite? Unfavoriting it might help.
You can also try right-swiping it away, but that's provided people mixed results.
But truth be told, there have been a good number of reports of people having this problem over the last 6-8 months.
If nothing works for you, maybe consider adding a shitload of new destinations in an effort to get that offending location further down the list.
No it’s not a favorite
Sure, there are better ones on the city
Meanwhile my issue was I was buying my now wife's engagement ring and was caught that way. LOL
Tell us where first
Ask Elon since he knows
Swipe it away but carefully. It is possible to delete.
Swiping to delete works, the long press and X has always never worked for me.
I’ll give it a try again, but previously could never get swipe to do anything
Which way are you swiping op?
Always front to back.
Damn. I've been doing it wrong all these years. 😁
Got delete to work swiping to right, though it’s not very responsive and can take a couple attempts. I’ll check back later if they stayed deleted.
An unencouraging sign was that a deleted location still showed up in the recommendations. I don’t think you can delete the recommendations, only the history.
Time to navigate to a bunch of random places to confuse the recommendation algorithm 🤣
This is the correct answer. Thanks! Swiping right to delete was permanent. I updated the post.
This great! But we need to know where you went!
It will be one of history’s great mysteries lost to time/swipe right.
Who knows, swipe right might’ve gotten you into this predicament!
My vote is for some sort of Roman spa / bath house thing.
Or Asian. Or a strip club.
Hope OP got a happy ending.
Oh lawd.
Just wanted to comment to save a spot. I’ll be right back after I grab some popcorn
let me know if you find a solution
Strip club?
If it has a charger, no shame in that
Depends which socket he used
“Open butthole”
I mean who hasn’t visited Lovers Package sex shop once in a while 😬🤣 🍿
Where did you go? Tell me and I will share with you my solution.
Tesla just wants you to go back.
Remove the profile account and add a new one