1. kaisenls1

    “Elon’s Musk” - by Axe Bodyspray

    1. phamtasticpham

      Genuinely top tier joke hahahaha

  2. lookylookitzadam

    The smell is basically all the materials off-gassing. There is not real way to replicate it not is there a way to maintain it.

  3. echo135

    My first Tesla in 2019 smelled like a strip club... Figured out a few months later they were spraying them with Chemical Guys - Smell of Success air freshener. The latest Tesla I picked up last Sunday smells like off gassing vinyl and plastics... Which scent are you looking for?

    1. Mike

      Fun fact: that was originally called stripper scent, I have a bottle in my garage.

      Best smell ever but it lasts like 5 minutes.

  4. Shaved-extremes

    stop gassing in your car and smell will come back

  5. CAVU1331

    Melt some plastic in there

  6. Inevitable-Equal-986


    1. Mike

      Classic great scent. Reminds me of first driving as a 16 year old. Def doesn’t smell like a new car though lol

  7. Crackerzot

    Chemical Guys "new car smell". Two or three spritzes is all you need and it lasts for a couple of weeks.

    1. Mike

      I have this. Smells pretty good but it’s more like a fake leather smell. And mine only lasts a day or two max. I don’t use it much because it smells like a cheap leather suitcase more than a new car.

      1. Crackerzot

        Doesn't smell like fake leather to me. Everyone's different I guess. Or maybe they filled your bottle with their leather scent by mistake.

  8. themostcanadianguy

    Buy a piece of vinyl

  9. mlaskow

    Shit in the backseat of a Mercedes

    1. ScoYello

      This needs to be the top comment. Made me spit out my drink laughing.

    2. BootFlop

      …then light it on fire.

      My 2018 3 smelt fine, although I was also happy to have it go anyway.

      The 2023 Y had a brutally bad odor. Every time I opened the door after it sat it’d hit me with a nose full. Took about a month for the “turd in a burning plastic bag” smell to finally dissipate.

  10. swhalen17

    A new tesla

  11. logix1229

    Aqua di gio spray. Find it at your local macys.

  12. Shepard521

    Leave it in garage for a week and then drive it.

  13. vpsupun

    Usually the car will have it's material smell for very long time. But your nose will adopt to it and which gives you this fading away feeling. If you clean the car and do not use it for long time, you'll feel the same smell again.

  14. IGNORED34

    I use hot water soaked micro fiber and a dry microfiber to clean the seats. Keeps them looking brand new and brings the original smell back.

  15. [deleted]

    Really? Haha I don't really like it

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