Pro tip: Boost MCU1 performance by deleting all your navigation history
Tesla Service Netherlands gave me the tip for my sluggish MCU1 from my Nov. 2017 Model S. “Manually delete all your recent navigation trips”.
It took me about 20 minutes swiping right (tip #2) to delete it all. Result? My MCU1 is much faster. Or less sluggish I should say. The difference is very much noticeable.
So give it a try whenever you have a moment (supercharging meditation) and the result is there. Happy deleting!
Ps: now explain the girlfriend why you keep deleting your history.
Ps: there seems no way deleting all history at once, other then performing a factory reset...
I realized you can swipe right to delete a place in your history. No need to press and hold and delete.
This worked for me as well, definitely a noticeable improvement. Totally worth the 10 minutes spent swiping.
They should add an option to select and delete.
Or just fix it so save addresses don't slow down the MCU. There's no reason for that.
Tesla should add a "automatically delete data older than x days" option for mcu1.
I’m actually really surprised that this hasn’t already been implemented.
Ooo perfect. Doesn't need to be specific to MCU1.
I laughed it off when the SC suggested it as a fix for my audio stutters, but I just did it and it works. On the one hand that's pretty cool to have a more-than-half-working MCU, on the other hand it is scary to see how badly the memory management of the MCU has been coded..
There is hope they are adressing it after Elon acknowledged it on Twitter now
Yeah, let's hope they hire more developers for optimisation and less developers for games, because my $350 Switch does the latter pretty well whereas my MCU cannot even load the release notes..
Edit: added a word
This last update took over an hour for me to finally see the release notes... And I have cleared my nav history too.
I really wish Elon would stop downplaying this issue with MCU1 cars and let us choose if we want to pay for the upgrade or not. It sucks being an earlier adopter before Model 3's were released. We helped boost the model 3 program but get left in the dust time and time again, even though I paid double the price.
This is the reason I haven't bought a new model X. Tired of half functioning equipment and features promised but never delivered.
Remember when AP1 was going to get smart summon and onramp to offramp nav on autopilot? How long do you think they will wait to deliver ?
Any day now, I'm sure... That's exactly what I was referring to as well, lol. Smart summon and Onramp/offramp AP.
I always find it unfortunate that they didn't design the MCU to make it more easily upgradable given how fast compute improves. Would've sure been nice if the compute module was an easily DIY swappable component separate from the screen/housing.
compute module was an easily DIY swappable component separate from the screen/housing
With storage on a proper swapable upgradable SSD.
There is no MCU upgrade coming unfortunately. Elon’s tweets notwithstanding, the ideal upgrade path is buying a new Tesla.
Yeah no kidding. Release notes don’t load unless I close them after an update reopen them and wait about 10 minutes
Based on past history, the buzz from shipping new entertainment features outweighs their desire to fix long standing issues.
Exactly! What the hell is up with the release notes or manual never loading!
The problem has existed for 7-years. Ouch.
Like the extensive logging thats burning out the emmc chips
this was actually fixed in .36
Now its just map data caching and stuff like spotify which writes to the the /var partition, but syslog is pretty empty.
SippieCup is legit. Some of his code runs in my car.
Happy cake day! Some of your code runs in my car too (and like.. is way better)
It's not a new problem. This was a fix years ago and still us, I'll believe they really fix mcu1 after it's fixed
Funny, same with me. Audio stuffer and delays. Even the warning sounds from doors...
Another tip is to regularly reset all trip counters as they store more data than just the millage. I reset the first one daily (as I use it for my logbook) and the second one monthly (noting the total millage, consumption and average in my logbook).
I hope this issue has been reported to Tesla engineers, and it will be addressed by OTA update soon.
It's not. Been like this since 2015, the year I got my first Tesla. This is still the same in my 2017 x.
I just did this with my Model X (MCU1), and it’s a night and day difference. Basic animations (like the up arrow drawer slide up), no longer drop frames. Thanks for the tip!
Sweetie, I swear I went straight home from work.
u/dmc_ryan protip twofer for us old owners :)
Nice! Thanks for the heads up.
Does this also apply to model X? How about model 3?
Model X have same mcu, but it depends on production date to say if you have mcu1 or mcu2. M3 has different hardware and code so possible but unlikely
I had Mobile Service done this past week and they recommended I do it on my Model 3 as well. The MCU is more powerful but it will also slow down if there is too much in the history. The technician told me he deleted over 2500 entries from another customer who was a real estate agent. Her navigation was lagging about 10-15 seconds behind real time. After deleting the entries, everything went back to normal.
This is nuts. If a simple change that limits the maximum number of entries stored would fix this, Tesla absolutely should and limit the number of entries to something that doesn't noticeably affect performance.
Even better - fix the performance issue. There should be no problem storing thousands of addresses.
Wouldn't a factory reset just be easier? All your Slacker, Spotify, and Podcast should sync up when you reenter your credentials again.
What's an MCU1?
It's referring to the older touchscreen for cars built pre-march 2018 which you might know as the Tegra mcu
Media control unit
Anyone tracking hardware revisions on MCU1 components?
Sad that this is the software optimisation elon talks about
Yes, this is it. How'd you know?? Please, tell us, oh wise one??
If this is true, then Tesla has no business being in an enterprise that develops software. If it is false, then it shows that they cannot be trusted.