1. coolmatty

    It's already there. In the settings for your key, set the profile.

    1. nabhaite

      Didn’t realize that, thank you! I am going to try it today

  2. cryptoengineer

    I've tried, without much success.

    My wife and I both drive the car, and use the Easy Access profile when parking. We both use the same Tesla account on our phones.

    1. nabhaite

      We do have different Tesla accounts (my wife and I) so I will give it a shot. Maybe worth creating an account if you want to use the feature?

  3. wkgibson

    Underneath the name of the “key”, does it also say the name of the driver profile?

  4. nabhaite

    So I tried this and although it shows that profile is saved to the phone for both me and my wife (I took one phone inside the car (kept the other one at a distance where the car would lock itself) to do the setup. When my wife sits in the car, it doesn’t adjust automatically. She has to select the profile. Same for me. Can anyone confirm they have had this work without any issues? If yes, i might be doing something wrong. Maybe the other phone needs to be further away (or bluetooth off) when programming one?

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