1. Gleeface

    Hold left stick click and press Function button (middle top), that will take you back to the retroarch UI. From there, press B to go back a screen and scroll to the bottom of the list of menu items and Quit Retroarch.

    1. blackjack4191

      I know this is an old comment but thank you! I've been searching for this for over an hour!

  2. paraguybrarian

    By default, press Left Thumb Stick in and the F button to enter the Retroarch menu. Select Reset Retroarch to return to Emulationstation.

  3. Saomd

    Enable hotkeys > select + start twice

    1. [deleted]

      Yup in 351elec this works for me.

  4. [deleted]


    1. HutchinMacon


  5. Twisked

    Check out these two videos for some really handy tips...


  6. HutchinMacon

    It's a very clunky OS. The display is amazing however.

    1. assa1985

      If you haven't yet, consider upgrading to one of the custom firmwares in the future. I'm using 351elec and it's a LOT smoother. Like u/Twisked suggested, watch RetroGameCorps videos. He's got one on the custom firmwares and their current states. Anyway, enjoy your device. I completely agree on the display.

      1. HutchinMacon

        I have started watching Retros vids. Very good

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