1. Escoozy

    Drive home, make sure all the in home charging I set up works well. Top off if necessary and then just drive around getting used to regen braking and enjoying the luxury of one of the coolest things you can buy.

  2. rick500

    I stopped at the nearest brewery and had a beer and a pizza while charging for free in one of the best spots in the lot, then took off a couple days later on a 4100-mile road trip from Kentucky to Yellowstone and back. Would recommend.

  3. ThisWeekInFlips


    1. acdavis123

      I’ve only driven it during my test drive and the regenerative breaking was hard for me to get used to. I will probably go to a parking lot to practice when I get mine. Haha.

      1. BaconMonkey0

        I set mine at maximum and you get used to it shockingly fast. It’s actually harder to go back to regular cars now for me.

        1. MyChickenSucks

          During the test drive when we swapped, I told my wife it feels like you downshifted to 1st gear. It's pretty aggressive feeling at first.

      2. Life-Check-2020

        I used the creep mode on my first test drive. By the end of the drive, I wasn’t so sure about the regen. Then a month later i did another test drive, decided to drive on the hold mode since that’s the most efficient. I got the hang of it this time and I loved it. Came home and ordered a MY since this was my biggest concern the first time around.

  4. world9citizen

    1.) Do a track wrap and drive home! 90-minute drive. Try really hard not to speed on the interstate.2.) Take first set of photos and a few short video clips.3.) Drop it off to get front PPF and ceramic coating (which will take 3-4 days).4.) Install accessories.5.) Plan a few road trips.

    1. Fainer

      What’s a track wrap?

      1. world9citizen

        It's a temporary film you put on the car to protect it before you get the PPF and ceramic coating — especially if you're doing highway driving. It just avoids getting paint chips and scratches to save time (and the car's finish) before it gets coated.https://www.xpel.com/shop/paint-protection-film/tracwrap

  5. arechenberg

    Immediately drive my Model Y to the detailing shop for a full PPF wrap. I live in the Houston area, but am taking delivery in Austin because the detailing shop I want to use is there.

    After I pick it up from the shop upon PPF installation, depending on the day, I'll either drive back to Houston or take my first road trip to Ohio to see my brother jump into the Dayton Air Show - he's on the Golden Knights parachute demonstration team 🪂

    1. AgriaPragma

      What's a PPF wrap?

      1. arechenberg

        Paint Protection Film. It's a clear plastic film that protects the paint from damage and can also make the paint look matte (not shiny).


        This is what mine will look like when the PPF is complete:


    2. fihdolla_footlong

      Which shop, Austin Detailing?

      1. arechenberg

        Authentic Details.

  6. ACGrzz

    First thing I did was install all the accessories I bought and then take lots of photos of my new baby. Then I gave everyone I know rides/test drives!

  7. FunkyTangg

    Open up a service ticket and send Tesla pics of viewed problems.

    1. Eric_T_Meraki

      Yep. You catch more things you missed at home.

  8. CR8VJUC

    Mud flaps. Install ASAP. Got mine from RPMTesla. Will help reduce the road rash thrown up on the lower rear doors from the front tires.

    1. AgriaPragma

      I've read that the mud flaps are pretty much a necessity because the way the body is designed around the wheels, rocks tend to bounce up and scratch the sides around the wheels. Has anybody else known this to be true?

      1. CR8VJUC

        Yep. It’s bad, one of the worst weaknesses on these cars is the paint. So thin on the lower part of the car. White speckles of road rash appear on the lower rear doors with less than 1,000 miles on mine. It’s a real problem. Tesla service rep basically told me “too bad, so sad.”

    2. Fainer

      I’ve got these as well. Had considered installing them before I drive the hour and a half home. But I’m getting PPF and ceramic coating done as well and I think they will have to come off for that.

  9. timaclover


  10. MyChickenSucks

    Fiddle with every setting. Then cruise the town and give the stereo a workout.

  11. CMDR_KingErvin

    I’m hoping it’s a nice sunny warm day and I don’t have any plans or anything. I’ll just take it for a nice cruise around some scenic backroads with the windows down and the wind in my hair, enjoying that sound system.

  12. Top-Attitude-8737

    Driving to my hometown (Washington, DC) from NYC to pick up my siblings

    Road trip to the beach :)

  13. Boxer_the_horse

    Once I get it, I plan on just driving it around, and get revenge on all the coal rollers around here 🤣. Will plan a long road trip once we have a solid delivery date. If I get time in between I’ll take the aero covers off and and do the plastidip thing.

  14. YoLo_Curtis

    Drive to a gas station and try to find the tank for 10 minutes and wind up a meme.

  15. AgriaPragma

    How much does it typically cost to apply the PPF just on the front?

    1. [deleted]

      Depends on the shop. Outtasight in VA -$2.5k front and rocker panel ppf. Ceramic coating another $1k, tinting $300-$500 (higher if you do ceramic tinting).

  16. JackS15

    Get it tinted ASAP, and possibly a wrap, then enjoy it

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