Posts tagged with Tesla error code

Bought a used 2020 model X, very happy with it so far but finally ran into my first error message. Air conditioner stopped, restarted intermittently, but now seems dead altogether. Does anyone know what these error codes mean or how I can find out more information? I see the manual has some codes but not all. THC_w0016 and MCU_w097 if that means anything to someone.

Second any thoughts in general on what to expect for service appointments? A bit disappointing to schedule an appointment one week away and then get a message that remote diagnosis will take more time with the appointment pushed out a few days. Also tried asking service if the car was at least ok to drive, and they (somewhat understandably) just answered they don’t know without the remote diagnosis but to call roadside if it feels unsafe.

Does it seem like it could be an unusual problem if they can’t quickly diagnosis the issue, or is 5 days plus usual just to get error code feedback?

And sorry but any feedback on what to expect at my actual appointment would be helpful, my concern is I will have to wait 10 days just to be seen and then find out then they have to order a part and schedule another appointment 10 days out, with me not knowing at all if I can even use the vehicle without further damaging it.

Any feedback or thoughts appreciated!

TL;DR - if autopilot won't work due to error code DI_a175, and there's no reason for it, try opening and closing all the doors and the trunk/frunk!

If TESLA ever reads this - I saw/detected no alert or error related to doors not being closed, and if an open door was causing this error that seems like an expensive way to figure it out (ie taking it into service costs both of us time and money). I was going to bring the car in for service and neither of us wants it to come to that!

My car - 2022 MYP with about 5k miles on it and only cosmetic issues so far (spoiler came loose was fixed, tiny infuriating curb rash incident).

Yesterday I drove out to a friend's house, a long drive (50min). At some point I showed him my car, opening doors here and there and stuff like that. On the drive home, no autopilot. This persisted through multiple drives, and there aren't a lot of recent posts about this specific error code, but all the posts I saw about it all ended with "service request" and/or "rebooting it worked". Rebooting did NOT work, and the Tesla documentation for that error DID mention about making sure doors and trunks and frunks were all closed. I saw that, noted it, and completely forgot to actually do that. Because I was opening doors up and stuff. After I had given up and made the damn service appointment in my phone, I remembered about the doors and that was it. I just opened and closed them all, and the frunk and the trunk.

The post is wordy, but I'm putting this out there in the hopes that somebody googling for this error code will find this page one day. Also, since the "I" could also be a lowercase "L", I'll also include Dl_a175 so google will still see this page.

Thanks, and I hope you all have great Tesla driving, better than I did on the dark/rainy no-autopilot drive home from my friend's house yesterday!

I bought a used Tesla Model S P85 2014 with 135k miles in July. It has been so much fun! Last night, I drove 20 miles to my house, and as I was pulling into my house, it came up with a warning.. I can't remember exactly what it said, but something about "may not restart".

I pull into my garage, plug it in and go to sleep. I woke up this morning to use it, and the screen tried to turn on but then shut off...

I googled and figured out how to do a "soft reset" (hold steering wheels plus brake for up to 2 minutes), nothing. Something about a 4 finger wheel reset (2 on wheels, 2 buttons above and hold brake). Nothing.

I tried doing a hard reset... Which is disconnecting the 12v battery, waiting 2+ minutes, then reconnecting it.

I got the screens to turn on, and enough to grab error codes, but after about 60 seconds... It goes back to shutting off.

Error codes:BMS_f008 - Vehicle may not restartBMS_w008 - Vehicle may not restartBMS_w009 - Service is requiredGTW_w017 - Electrical system power reducedGTW_w018 - Electrical system power reducedGTW_w157 - Power reduced (vehicle systems shutting down)DI_u014 - Unable to drive (voltage supply too low)

I set an appointment up with Tesla, but the soonest I can get in is Tuesday morning. I checked the voltage on my 12v, and got 11.92... when I take off the negative terminal, I get 4.0 volts. I'm suspicious it's my 12v battery

PLEASE NOTE IM NOT VERY SMART AT THIS. In no way am I professional. I was simply curious whether I could buy a new 12v battery to stick in so I have a car for the weekend.

Sounds like they will charge $88 to do a diagnosis. I will have to tow it to them as well (17 miles).

Anyway, just curious if anyone has seen these errors before, and what I could try while I wait for Tuesday.

I appreciate any comments or advice! Thank you 📷

It seems the smartest thing to do is to wait until Tuesday, pay the $88 for them to diagnose it, and hopefully it is something under warranty?

Edit: my appointment is Tuesday 10/5 at 9AM. I will update then :)

Edit 2: I replaced the 12 volt battery myself, and everything appears back to normal. Drove around for 30 minutes just fine. I'll still be going to Tesla service center tomorrow.