1. beausmith

    I arrived here with the same issue, got tips here, and solved the issue using the following steps.

    Open the email message.

    Copy the URL from the button with the label "Update Odometer"

    Open this URL in Safari.

    At the top of this screen there will be a Tesla banner, tap the blue "Open" button.

    The Tesla app will open and you will be taken to a screen titled "Update Odometer Readings" with a pre-checked checkbox with the label "Save time on future renewals by allowing Tesla to collect odometer readings to facilitate annual milage verification."

    Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen.

    Confirmation modal appears to confirm your change. Clicking "Ok" returns you to the Tesla app home screen.

    1. davemeista

      This worked for me thanks

    2. Assumption-Slow

      this is the correct answer. thanks!

    3. harrrrr21

      When I hit the “open” button (step 4) it just takes me to the main page on the Tesla app. Am I doing something wrong?

      1. These_Seesaw_4768

        The banner is on the top of Safari, so go back to Safari and you should be able to see it there.

      2. beausmith

        That's frustrating. I'm not sure. If you find a solution, please reply here to help others.

        1. cerealghost

          Open the link in Safari, ignore the automatic opening of the App Store, go back and click this open button *twice*.


    4. Total_Revenue8451

      This didn’t work for my but I sent it to my bf and it worked for him

    5. ladeebug

      This worked for me on the second try. Thanks!

    6. samsonsu

      Thank you! This worked for me.

      They definitely have some weird design - once you are in safari, it will immediately jump to AppStore to download Tesla app, even if you already have it. All you need to do is to ignore AppStore, then go back to Safari which is still in a page with title “download tesla app”, but this time you tap the “open” button on the very upper right of the Safari window (it’s called smart banner). Then you’ll see the opt-in page to automatically read odometer.

    7. chomith

      Appreciate the insight. I just got this today and was annoyed when it kept prompting me to download the app as if I wouldn’t have it as a Tesla owner…

      Sometimes it baffles me that tech giants can’t a/b test a feature before sending it out to their entire customer base lol.

      I thought it was spam or phishing attempt because you’d think Tesla has access to see your odometer mileage, not sure why I need to do this lol

    8. Complex-Display-2410

      The link it offered by tesla was not working for me but I got a workaround. In your email copy the link string to your note and you will get something like https://owernship.tesla......updarte_odometer/xxxx ?redirect....

      I guess the link was not right for all so I just try to extract the first part of the link https://owernship.tesla......updarte_odometer/xxxx and click

      then it will lead you the righ insurance page in the app to agree to auto odometer update

    9. Fun_Ambition7972

      Thank you so much for this information. It worked!

    10. ButterscotchOk8050

      worked perfectly

  2. lordpuddingcup

    Umm they have access to your car to my knowledge you don’t submit odometer readings they get it once your car is in the app

    1. ShiroHachiRoku

      i know right? I have no idea why they would need me to confirm an odo reading.

    2. Sad-Muffin-1720

      Yes it’s weird. The only thing I can think is that it’s because the app needed an update. Still weird

      1. lordpuddingcup

        HAHA likely the backend API changed, so your app wasn't able to communicate properly.

    3. Dramatic-Mammoth-745

      I solved this problem by going into settings on my iphone, selected Safari, then changed my Default Browser App from DuckDuckGo to Safari. Then I went back into the email and clicked the link to update the odometer. You will see a checkmark to share future renewals and allow Tesla to collect odometer reading for annual mileage verification. Just following the prompts and click Next until you are done for all of your Tesla vehicles.

      1. Legal-Dog1748

        worked perfectly with your instructions, thanks!

  3. JustKapp

    wondering same thing

    1. ShiroHachiRoku

      Ended up just calling them. Was in hold over 30 minutes. Guy couldn’t tell me where it was either. Good news though. My monthly payment went down $20!

      1. JustKapp

        you're the most useful info so far. thanks man

      2. TheLabiaChronicles

        Awesome! So you didn’t have to update anything? Mine is doing the same thing to me

        1. ShiroHachiRoku

          Just the mileage with them. Monthly payments went down $25!

          1. TheLabiaChronicles

            Ohh okay so you had to actually update the mileage by phone? That’s awesome! I just don’t want to have to sit on the phone lol

  4. redditunknown50

    Found this hack somewhere else, tried and worked. Hope this will help.

    "Here’s how to get around it: Go back to that email, tap and hold the “confirm link button”, and then select “open in app”..

    It will open in the app and directly on the insurance page that prompts you to enter/update your odometer."

    1. maskdgaming

      I had to open the link on Safari! Chrome wasn’t doing it. After that I am all good, using an iPhone here.

    2. nobelcat

      Works for some stuff, but doesn't seem to work with the Tesla app. For sure doesn't work on my iPhone in this particular case. If it worked for you, do you know where you ended up?

      1. redditunknown50

        It got me into the app's insurance page, which cannot be accessed before. That's where I can enter the odometer and mark if I let them get the mileage automatically in the future. 

        I was using iPhone. I even went back to see if they really took the mileage. It said the odometer is already be sent to them.

        Did you press and hold, choose open link?

        1. oldlance

          You're better off changing your default browser to safari which will bring up the confirmation screen on the Tesla app.

    3. Revolutionary_511

      Worked perfectly! Thanks a lot!

  5. Various_Parsnip5631

    I've been trying to update with my Android phone, but it's not working. Have you got any ideas?

    1. ShiroHachiRoku

      I just ended up calling them. Was on hold for 30+ minutes. Lame.

  6. smokedfishfriday

    What a fucking piece of shit company. How do you not know how to deeplink...?

  7. Reddittuser99999

    How fucked up is this? I have to search a Reddit thread to learn how to update my mileage on a connected car? Thanks everyone, the 7 step process worked perfectly.

  8. Oajeboda

    It worked for me by clicking the last tab in the button as “default browser”. Clicking the others just took me through a loop.

  9. OppositeCall9357

    Calling the Tesla Insurance number, 1-844-348-3752, waiting on hold 30 min. Then saying "Yes" to the question of allowing Tesla to Read your mileage thru the App completes the task.

  10. Pristine-Reward-3430

    Does anyone have the link to do this? Tesla posted me a physical letter with a button that cannot be clicked. Each time I call they say there is over 1 hour wait time. I emailed them 2 days ago and have not yet gotten a reply from them.

  11. Available-Impact1985

    Not sure if this way has also been mentioned but these steps worked for me on iOS:

    Open App to main screen with picture of your Tesla

    Tap on the 3 lines in upper right corner of screen

    Tap Tesla Insurance

    Next to the blue i is Update Odometer Readings

    Submit and you are done

    Hope this helps

    1. Relative-Mud7489

      This!!!! So shockingly straightforward, I don’t know why the instructions couldn’t just say this in the first place. I was in the App Store redirect loop for so long!

    2. timmitOn

      I got the email with the essentially useless link (I don't have safari, that hack doesn't work for me, I can't "open with app" the link either).

      "Next to the blue i is Update Odometer Readings"

      Blue I? My screen doesn't have a blue I. The only Blue is the phone number at the bottom.

      And there's no "Update Odometer Readings" or I wouldn't be on this forum

  12. ghazali-ho

    How dumb it is of TESLA to ask for the odometer reading when they have it on the app and when they can access it real time. Even the instructions below are incomplete and do not tell you where exactly to enter that information. Tesla need to pay serious attention to UX-user Experience and CX-customer experience.

  13. alter_ego94

    After updating the odometer when and where do I see the new insurance rate?

    1. ShiroHachiRoku

      Click the menu and select insurance.

      1. alter_ego94

        Still don’t see the updates price. See options for existing insurance plan

      2. ViperAtWork

        I can’t find any info on updates price either. Is it because possibly you had a renewed policy right then and there? Mine doesn’t renew for another month.

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