1. FactOrFactorial

    mate that's fucked. Oils from the perfume dissolved the plastic. No botox will fix that.

    1. sparkyblaster

      It looks more like it's messed with the paint not the plastic itself.

  2. grim-432

    Air fresheners destroy cars, all brands.

    1. Spankyatrics

      What about the ones you spray into carpets

      1. grim-432

        In a Tesla? Would likely resemble something like the Chernobyl meltdown. If you’re lucky, it won’t melt through the battery.

        1. Spessmaren

          Not great, not terrible

          1. housestickleviper

            3.6 Roentgen

          2. MrBigTendies

            But sir, the meters only go to 3.6

          3. TheOneTrueBuckeye

            You didn’t see graphite. YOU DIDNT!

        2. pile1983

          Beautiful response. 👏🎩

        3. net___runner

          lol @ Chernobyl meltdown.

    2. lilxbites

      I’ve never heard this before, so even hanging the little trees is bad for your car?

      1. 13lo

        I think it’s bad for them to be touching any part of the car. I hung one on the stalk and it messed up the steering wheel plastic housing :/

        1. Separate-Primary2949

          Came here to say the same!

      2. Ok_West_2537

        It is bad for your health, so why not clean the car instead?

    3. caffeinated-dwarf

      and your lungs.

    4. iRobi8

      Also the ones you put on your vents?

      1. stephbu

        Yup definitely. The oils in all air-fresheners can permeate most surface treatments like paint and vinyl, they carry with them the solvents (usually some form of alcohol) used to suspend the fragrances. Same is true for many body lotions/creams - see bubbled seats/headrests.

        What you see here is the result of those solvents dissolving the bonding between the surface layer and substrate, bubbling it, then evaporating. They can also eat or soften many polycarbonates/plastics - often used in materials like vent louvres.

        1. GreenyWV

          I dunno what you do, but you definitely do it!

    5. Jaywhatthehell

      And they stink!

    6. TopSpecialist32

      Not just cars everything they touch.

  3. SoulHunter91

    Your cheapest solution is to scrape those wrinkles off and use vinyl wrap. It’s time for carbon fiber wrap :)

    1. xpntblnkx

      This is probably the cheapest and easiest method

      1. Camm80

        Cheapest solution is to reinstall a new air freshener in its place.

  4. Noleksum69420

    User error, you’re supposed to use the metal visor clip that magnetically attaches to the drift air freshener.

    1. Which-Suggestion-792

      I agree. This user will not make that error again lol

      1. D4rkr4in

        or place one all the way across the dash and call it "derelicte"

  5. bktiger86

    Drift even said do not put this directly on the car. That's why it gives you that magnetic clip.

    1. Which-Suggestion-792

      Obviously did not read the instructions :D

  6. Watcherxp

    not sure what you expected placing an oil soaked piece of wood on a piece of plastic trim?

    1. sparkyblaster

      Painted plastic trim right?

      Paint can be weird with what it can react to but generally more reactive than plastic.

    2. Touliloupo

      To freshen the car without having the car melt away?

      1. Insanity-Paranoid

        It would happen to any piece of plastic film in any car though. It's just chemistry at that point.

        It's like how if you drive over oil on the roads normally it's fine due to how little there is and the fact most of it gets flung off but if you leave your tire in a puddle of motor oil in 100° weather in direct sunlight the rubber will start to disintegrate.

      2. SuspiciousCan1636

        No they’re not using the product as intended or designed. It comes with a visor clip for a reason, so the oil doesn’t contact any car surfaces.

      3. iwantmy-2dollars

        Surprisingly, destroys Lego too.

      4. Watcherxp

        There are many ways to do that without pressing volatiles directly against plastic trim. This is not that hard.

  7. Collector_Hector

    All liquid air fresheners or oily ones will destroy plastic trim. Had one leak and destroy the area around my head unit on a previous vehicle. Tried to call out the company but it turns out it says it will do exactly this in the fine print on the package.

    1. avebelle

      Yup. Had this happen in college and learned to never use that garbage in the car. Best to just keep the car clean and if you need a refresher than just run some cleaner through the dash or seats that smell nice.

  8. LightningBawlz

    You’re supposed to put the drift on the mirrors that drop down on the inside. Protects from that

  9. Sassy-Bongocat

    This is also not how you’re supposed to use this product, it comes with a metal plate that you should attach to your visor

  10. FloppyDX

    Just curious: drift has very specific instructions to avoid this, including where to place the freshener. Why didn’t you follow them?

  11. dqontherun

    Ooops, that won't happen again.

  12. quixote09

    Blame Ryan Shaw

  13. jyabut1202

    Bruh... that's not how you use that and I have the same one.

  14. Johnnyfever13

    I thought those were supposed to go on the car visor?

  15. PeterMode

    Interior plastics are lousy against chemicals/oils.

  16. FluxionFluff

    You're better off scraping the wrinkles out and putting a wrap on top. There's no bringing that back to how it was. Also, you're supposed to use the magnetic clip it comes with to put on your visor

  17. NumerousAd8348

    You could just put the air freshener back in place and pretend you never lifted it in the first place...

    1. Which-Suggestion-792

      That was my first idea to begin with. Glad to find a likeminded individual🤗

  18. itypeinlowercase

    damn i put mine on the visor

  19. GlassCoffee1

    I think that product is meant to stick up on a metal clip you clip on the visor.

  20. Personal-Confidence1

    And that’s why you don’t put it there. They provided a clip for a reason.

  21. nicolettejiggalette

    It’s oiled wood. Thats supposed to be on the visor. Alternatively, you can use their metal clip and put it in the back air vents.

  22. DarkGremio

    I would probably used the supplied magnetic holder for the drift. Or use an air freshener specifically designed for HVAC vent such as this https://scentwedge.com/collections/scentwedge-kits

  23. scramble45

    Bar of soap in packaging put in glove box, thank me later

    1. Which-Suggestion-792

      Thanks. That’s a great idea! Would also come in handy when I’m running late and need a shower. :D

  24. icy1007

    And why did you do that?

  25. Ok-Improvement-3670

    Chemical reaction

  26. viddy_well

    Similar experience, different material (seats) with Drift years ago.

    I avoid anything with oil near any part of the car now. I know how much that feeling sucks :(

    Don't use the visor method either, it will drip in the heat and cause damage to your seats.

    1. Which-Suggestion-792

      Damn. Well these are small damages that teach us valuable lessons about taking care of things. You and I both are not doing that again :D

  27. r_adesigns

    Just imagine what it can do to your lungs....

    1. Kealanine

      Yes, OP, definitely do not affix this wood air freshener directly to your lungs.

  28. TheBowerbird

    It's basically soaked in solvents and VOCs. Not a good mix for any painted surface!

  29. WolfyMacontosh87

    It being 200 degrees everywhere right now, it's hell on car interiors no matter what brand you drive. Ughhh

  30. colddata

    I saw the same kind of thing happen from a bag of fresh cinnamon powder left on a shelf liner wrap in my parent's kitchen. The wrap turned wrinkly/bubbly in that area.

    I'm not aware of any actual fix other than a replacement or hiding it.

  31. Narwhalcommando

    Exact same thing happened on my 18 M3. You can either try and source a part from ebay/from tesla but it will run maybe $200 used. I'd check with Tesla for a new piece. Otherwise you can do what I did and remove the part, sand and prime the aluminum section, and respray with something similar like this https://www.homedepot.com/p/Rust-Oleum-Painter-s-Touch-2X-11-oz-Gloss-Aluminum-General-Purpose-Spray-Paint-334058/307244847

  32. owl157

    That part can’t be that expensive. Its pops off and it is easy to replace

  33. yodanhodaka

    Air fresheners air notorious for destroying all car interiors

  34. jken08

    Wait, that's the exact same setup I have! Luckily I noticed it and took it out before it could do further damage. It was a gift from a friend and it conveniently fits into the air vent too.

  35. raineondc

    Perfumes are literally solvent....

  36. Coopers_Dad_

    Drifts are awesome, but the scented oils definitely leach a lot. Two of them damaged this desk's finish.

  37. cruisereg

    Is this a real post? It’s literally in the same spot….

  38. Strong_Foundation227

    Don’t listen to the others— embrace the suck and wrinkle the rest of the trim to match.

    Remember: neat, clean, and like you were never there.

  39. msb06c

    shit... i literally just got a spigen clip for febreeze clip ons...

    think i should return it? I can just spray ozium on the carpets one a month if i need, i guess

  40. Driver4952

    Ozium does not do this.

  41. Drewbee3

    Suggest you position and then reposition that fragrance block along the entire length of that piece to get the bubbling effect everywhere. Then it’ll look you installed a special customization as opposed to perfume induced polymer measles.

  42. MetlMann

    Synthetic scents and perfumes are generally highly volatile and toxic chemicals that require wearing a hazmat suit when handling them in concentrated form. They have a loophole in regulations and can be added to almost anything. Volatile chemicals are often very active when in contact with many polymers like your car. What are you doing in your car such that it stinks?

  43. JazzySpazzy1

    It sucks but hear me out. That part is already ruined so why not keeping using it in the same spot? The damage is already done. Maybe put a transparent film underneath on the wooden interior to make sure nothing drips out when it’s hot and causes further damage.

  44. Swimming-Tap-4240

    Hand sanitisers dissolve steering wheels to.

  45. brock_schleprock

    Upvoted all references to the damn clip. Yeesh

  46. IamFireDragon3d

    I use one thats thin which goes into the vent and i just add some essential oil in it and it hasn’t caused any issues. Do you know what perfume they use? Now you got me worried lol

  47. BananaKuma

    The hepa is so good why do you need perfume

  48. Insanezer0x

    Oh shit thank god I never got drift, I guess I’m going with those scented trees

  49. Mazzdog77

    Doesn’t it come with a visor clip? This is your fault.

  50. Criminals_INC

    Worst car fragrance company. Weak scents poor customer service

  51. [deleted]

    Must be a cheap car. 😂

  52. SilentOcelot4146

    Can get a replacement off of ebay for less than $150, easy part to swap out yourself.

  53. DiagCarFix

    even happens to a Ferrari

  54. thenapolitan-4877

    It really looks like the car is trying to form a word that it desperately needs to tell you, like "TESLA" or "SAVE ME"

  55. Dom9360

    Contact drift. This happened to me in my Jeep. It got hot one day and dropped onto my seat. Got it fixed and contacted drift. They reimbursed me. I had the wood one. I used the stone ones after that.

    Now that I have a Tesla, I don’t use them. Too afraid this will Occur.

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