I’m currently washing my car using the 2 bucket method (one clean bucket, one with dirty water) using Adam’s car wash shampoo and a pair of car wash mittens.

It does a great job but it’s awfully long (pre rinse, foam, rub and clean gloves, rinse again, dry with microfiber). Usually can take me a good hour including setup and cleanup so I barely wash by hand anymore.

Looking to avoid the automatic car wash (big lines and not great around me), for something much quicker even if not as good (10-20 mins) would be a sweet spot. Wondering if I should switch to a single bucket and use a long car wash mop/sponge, or switch to waterless spray and rub with a towel, or another method.

What do you recommend?

Tag: tesla Car washing tools


  1. completefudd

    Try one bucket with Optimum No Rinse. Get a lot more microfiber/mitts, and use new ones for every panel. Wipe off all the gunk with ONR and wipe dry with multiple drying towels. Should go pretty fast.

    1. NatKingSwole19

      Just fold the microfiber cloths 3 times, so you can get a bunch of panels out of one. No need to use a whole cloth for a single panel.

    2. thetrev68

      +1 for ONR. Finish with a detail spray if you need extra shine, otherwise the ONR leaves it looking great and you don't need anything else.

    3. NatKingSwole19

      Just fold the microfiber cloths 3 times, so you can get a bunch of panels out of one. No need to use a whole cloth for a single panel.

    4. NatKingSwole19

      Just fold the microfiber cloths 3 times, so you can get a bunch of panels out of one. No need to use a whole cloth for a single panel.

    5. NatKingSwole19

      Just fold the microfiber cloths 3 times, so you can get a bunch of panels out of one. No need to use a whole cloth for a single panel.

    6. Jary316

      Thanks! I’ll try that method!

      1. Xcitado

        I do the one bucket method as well. For me, it's just faster.

    7. latteintheam

      Trying this. Can someone link the microfiber towels they prefer. Not all are created equal esp on amazon. Ty

      1. Correct-Sail-9642

        I find the best ones are the yellow bulk ones at Costco.  Rather large, extra plush, lint free, 36 towels for $15.   Hold hella moisture  hella soft

  2. elves2732

    I use the automatic car wash because I'm a normal human being and it's just a car.

    1. Jary316

      The ones near my area have long lines (30mins wait), adding driving and the actual cleaning takes about as long as a hand wash.

      1. TheKobayashiMoron

        Holy shit. If there’s one car in line at mine I keep driving lol.

      2. stillbornyoyo

        Start your own automatic car wash.

  3. jusplur

    One thing I'm going to try next time is using my leaf blower to dry my car. It usually takes me 1-1.5 hours using nearly the same method as you so I don't clean it as much as I'd like. It's hot here in Texas.

    1. Powers5580

      I use one to dry mine and it’s awesome. After drying I go around with detailing spray and a microfiber. Looks great!

  4. shipwreck17

    I've switched to rinse less and it's my fav method. ONR works fine for road grime but feynlabs works better in summer with bugs. I also like that I can do it inside my garage and waste no time getting the hose out. Usually I take an hour and do a good job including door jambs and get the glass perfect but I could do a quick wash in 30 min that would be way better than the automatic car wash.

    1. ConfidentFlorida

      What is rinseless exactly? It just evaporates?

      1. shipwreck17


  5. Ba11in0nABudget

    Get a foam cannon for your pressure washer. I use mine about once every 2 weeks. Just pressure wash all the grime off, then foam cannon the entire car and let it sit on the car for 5-10 mins (in the shade when car is cool to touch) then rinse it off. Towel dry if you want to avoid water spots, or just not care that's up to you.

    I'll still do a full hand wash and add ceramic about every 6 months, but the foam cannon works well enough in-between.

    If you don't have a pressure washer, harbor freight sells a foamer attachment for a regular water hose. It doesn't work as well tho. I recommend getting a pressure washer and foam cannon.

    With all that being said. I'm not against going to a drive thru auto car wash and usually will, especially in the winter when it's just too damn cold to be out there spraying water myself 😂

    1. kyd_chroniik

      I second this, picked up a foam cannon attachment off Amazon for $20 and found a cheap electric pressure washer nearby for sale. Works wonders. Pulling everything out and putting it away in 30 or so minutes tops.

  6. AngryVirginian

    Ceramic coat your car. The coating makes washing easier in addition to the shiny-ness. I now only use a one bucket method as using the "jet" setting on my garden hose gets rid of almost all the big debris. I use different towels to wipe the lower panels and throw away microfiber towels after 4 or 5 washes.

    I apply the spray on Gyon ceramic coating once in a while as recommended by my detailer.

    I also use a 650 CFM leaf blower to blow dry the car.

  7. montysucks

    Between coffee and car washing I am noticing we tend over complicate everything 😀

  8. Verabiza891720

    Optimum No Rinse.

  9. HamMcStarfield

    Spray off car w/ hose. Dip telescoptic car-was bruh in bucket. Wash car. Rinse. Dry w/ a towel. 10 minutes maximum.

  10. latteintheam

    Can ONR get sticky sap off the car? Cuz those are stubborn.

  11. ForestBoys

    I use dawn soap and then apply sesl n shine. I've spent thousands before on ceramic, 3 buckets with grit guards and unicorn hair wash mitts....

    Well rinsed microfiber and dawn and turtle wax works just as well if not better.

  12. _stryker1138_

    How often are you washing it? I use basically the same method about once a month.

    1. Jary316

      Now about once every couple of months, I used to do it twice a month but it got tedious.

      1. Jumper_Connect

        Maybe hire or go to a detailer? Or, as the other person said, one bucket ONR.

  13. TopSpecialist32

    I actually enjoy the process of detailing my car so I do use the two bucket method with a foam cannon. I actually just hit it with temp Adams Ceramic graphene spray on the back half of the car. And I noticed nothing really sticks to it. In theory as long as I don’t let it get overly soiled I can use just water and a some type of quick detailer to maintain it. But I’m still experimenting

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