How much does it cost to clean the air filters vs. replace by Tesla?
I know you can replace yourself but just wondering. I am scared taking panels apart as I always have trouble putting them back on.
Please specify if in US or Canadian dollars if possible please!
Is it true that third-party even HEPA filters are not good as OEM non-HEPA?
How many miles to clean or replace anyway? Not sure this is in the manual?
I live in the US. The cost for DIY is the cost of your filters and your time cost. Just stick with OEM, I feel that the HEPA filters are a gimmick. Tesla recommends every 2 years, I do it every year right before summer hits. Never hurts to replace them earlier than recommended.
Why is it based on year and not distance? I got my car this year but tech told me to put in service for cleaning already because I put almost 20K miles on it already.
I'm just telling you what the owner's manual states, I didn't write it. I put about 15K miles/year myself and that's why I do it every year. You can do it every 6 months if you want to. The manual is just a recommendation. There's probably a "normal" and "severe" schedule to follow in the manual, you'll have to look that up in the manual in the car's UI.
I know, I just thought you might know why they give miles for tires but not air filter.
Ya mine started to smell at 25k
Smell like what? Everyone keeps saying dirty sock smell but I don’t have dirty socks laying around so idk lol
If you ever smelled athletes foot that’s what it smells like.
I have not, no, thankfully.
Depends on you and where have you driven as well as how often do you have the AC on. Usually it’s recommended every year (2 if you’re lazy) It’s a pain to change the filter due to the location of the screw, I use a third party HEPA filter and it’s been great no smells or outside smells ever. The whole interior is snap on snap off you won’t break anything I recommend you do it yourself But again if you’re scared then just schedule a service appointment and they will come do it at your home and some other calibration as well, As for price I don’t know but they do quote you and you can confirm or deny on the app.
Thanks for encouraging words
Can you link what filter you've been using? I think I got the hepa one from AO and it hasn't last that long
If you stick with OEM filters, it's $37 shipped for them. Tesla charted me last week $57 to change the filters on a mobile service appointment. I'd gladly pay the extra $20 for him to do it in 5 minutes over me trying to figures it out and be out there for an hour on it.
When it comes to cleankng the coils though I'd probably do it myself. Someone mentioned Tesla charged them a little over $150 to change filters and clean coil. You can easily buy the cleaner on amazon for $15 and DIY.
Wow so it’s cheaper to replace than clean
You can’t clean the filters. The filters need to be replaced. IMO it’s a good idea to clean the evaporator when changing the filters. This is done by squirting a can of Kool-It cleaner in where the filters came out. Cleaning the evaporator helps remove anything that can cause a funky smell from the AC.
Ohhh I thought I saw a video where they spray foam on the filters
You probably saw a K&N cabin filter being cleaned. K&N makes reusable filters that you spray to clean. Don’t bother with those.
This isn’t the norm. I’ve done it twice and it’s around $130.
Price of OEM filters is 30-40$ usd. The ac evaporator spray another 5-10$. An hr of your time to watch a YouTube video and do it yourself. You almost can’t do anything to mess things up doing this
I actually just had to figure this out. I personally went with Tesla OEM filters ordered from the Tesla website because there are a ton of scammy companies out there targeting Tesla owners and most non-OEM filters looked to be made in China with various reviews. Not worth it to sort through the garbage, just go OEM.
Idk how much it cost to get them changed by a service center. But most likely not worth it. It takes like 15 minutes to do it yourself and filters themselves are 20$ I think
Just did this via mobile service a few weeks ago and it was $120 I believe. Probably could do it on my own but service cleaned the coils and also they are experts at getting all those panels on and off without breakage - and after watching it get done I will gladly pay the money then cut my hands up doing it on my own - there seemed to be some sharp areas that can bite you.
It’s a mess of a job IMHO. Changing the entire steering wheel or installing an auto frunk kit is easier.
It's a car. It isn't a space satellite
I keep reading "horror tales" of smelly filters but after 2 1/2 years I got nothing.
Service is coming soon to do a trunk recall job so I asked them to add a new filter to the work.
It’s not worth your time to clean them and you never will clean a proper filter that is filtering microscopic particles because they are designed for the particles to stick and get trapped
The service guy said I should clean because it’s cheaper to clean than replace and if I don’t clean I have to replace sooner
When he said clean he probably meant to take out the small, dried leaves and branches that can get in the filters by tapping them out. You do this in the interim before replacing filter. Optional of course. The filters themselves still need to be replace after a while. All the small stuff won’t come out reliably by any cleaning means.
Damn! Tree branches in the filter!?
Tiny plant branches can fall through the opening under the hood and get sucked into the air filter. You’ll be surprised what else you may see in a dirty air filter, (dead insects, dead lizards, leaves, branches, pebbles, bird feathers, etc).
M3P 2019 and I have to get my changed yearly they smell so bad when I turn AC on
I've had it done twice. About $125 for the service. They came to my house and were done in about 30 minutes. Well worth the money.
we should the service center provide the few services they are actually capable of handling bc my experience with them has been 1/10 and the 1 is bc i drank a lot of free mini water bottles
i have a condition that makes my head shake.
Have you tried dragon?
I had my filters removed and coils cleaned with Kool-It spray after 1 year/12,000 mile. The service was free, I complained of wet sock smell and they didn’t charge me for the mobile service.
Coil cleaning is free but filters were not changed?
Sorry, filters were also changed. Full service no charge.
When was this?
Just 2 weeks ago.
Hm maybe I will try to see if they will charge me and deny the service if they do
I have mobile service scheduled for this tomorrow and their estimate is $65