1. Dann__EV

    You have to be on version 4.11.2. I first tried on version 4.11.1 and got a yellow bar requesting service appt. Then I upgraded to 4.11.2 and got the green no issues detected

    1. Born-Ad4452

      I’m still on 4.11.1 …. I’ll try again when I’m updated

      1. adj16

        If you’re on iOS, you can force an update by finding the app in the App Store and going to its detail page. Instead of Open, the button will say Update. I’d imagine it’s a similar process for Android

        Edit: actually just click here

        1. Born-Ad4452

          Did that , got to 4.11.2 but no change

          1. Its_Frenchy

            I had trouble getting it to work for me as well but eventually I got it. This is how it worked for me-

            Make sure the Tesla app fully connects to the car, as in you see the charging status and slider for the charge limit.

            Click on service, request service, select service, Battery, range.

            Type “Loss of Range” in the description. Then NEXT

            If it is working you will see “Running Diagnostics” with the spinning wheel. Takes about 5-10 seconds to run the test.

          2. denzern

            Thank you! It totally worked. Cool to see

  2. Blaglag_

    Steps to check battery health on app:

    Make sure app is on latest version

    Go to service menu on the app and tap on request service.

    Then tap on ‘Battery’.

    Select ‘Range’, and type in ‘loss of range’ when asked to describe the problem.

    Tap ‘Next’ and the app will run a self-diagnosis to check on your battery health.

    1. Tarik1989

      Just tried this with the dutch app version. After typing in the problem description, it goes straight to scheduling a service request.

      1. Blaglag_

        The article says, “One of our readers Curtis performed the steps and the app showed the diagnostics were completed, but instead of showing ‘No issue detected,’ he was asked to schedule a service appointment. We will update this article further once Curtis hears back from the Service team about any potential issues.”

      2. GING0L

        It's the same with the italian app version.Maybe this feature it's not available for all countries

      3. jipvk

        Tried in Switzerland I now have an appointment with Tesla Mobile Service. Lol

        When my 2020 Model 3 Performance was new it reported 507km at 100% now it reports 446km. So maybe they actually do have to do some diagnostics.

        1. dcdttu

          Just a FYI - if you charge your car every day, and it only charges for a small portion of the battery's total capacity, the BMS (Battery Management System) can mis-report your range as being smaller than it really is.

          For example, if you charge to 80% every day, and only drive your car so that the battery drops to, say, 60%, then the car only ever sees 20% of your battery's total. The BMS may start to lower your estimated range as a result.

          Mine will sometimes drop below 300, but if I go on a long trip or "calibrate" the BMS, the range shoots right back up.

          That link is a pretty exhaustive way to calibrate. I find that, if I charge to 90%, then drive the car over several days until I'm near 20%, then charge back up to my normal daily amount, the BMS range prediction goes back up.

          1. jipvk

            I do often long distance driving where 2-4 supercharger sessions are needed. And I always arrive at the superchargers with 10-25% left. So I do run the battery down low now and then.

          2. dcdttu

            Well that blows my theory out of the water. Ha.

            Do you leave Sentry Mode running all the time?

            (For reference, my Model 3 is a 2018 LR and, when new, had a rated range of 310 miles. After 4 years and 40k miles, my rated range is 309 miles.)

      4. crmlr

        Same, but if you go through it will actually run the diagnostics - you can see the results on the “Confirm appointment” page.

    2. Watcherxp

      no luck here (US) , current version of the app for both Android and iOS

      1. sleight42

        Same. The hell.

    3. Mdizzlebizzle

      Just did this on my 2022 M3P with 2k miles on it, and it shows diagnostics complete with a orange bar next to it, and says request service under it. Damn should I? Lol

      1. Lancaster61

        Maybe. I tried mine and it says “no issues detected”.

        Update your app then try again.

    4. Ragmad01

      You need to be on the 4.11.2 version of the app, as has been said before. To do this:

      Go to the App Store and tap on your profile picture in the upper right corner

      Scroll down until you see the tesla app and click update

      Wait for the update to complete, go back into the app, and complete OP’s steps. Voila

      I am in the US with a 2022 3LR and this worked for me

      Edit: I had the issue with scheduling a service before doing this and the above process fixed that for me

    5. WayaHebard

      Never done a service request before so will doing this send the request to Tesla or is that a step after the battery report?

      1. Blaglag_

        No it won’t. After the diagnostics are done it will tell you if you want to exit the service page or contact them. If your diagnostics have detected something it will ask you to contact service.

        Make sure app is up to date!!!

        1. WayaHebard

          Awesome, thanks!

    6. Mindless_Pineapple46

      Sweet. Worked for me. '21 M3 SR+

    7. Whyrwehere

      Thanks! It works as you described! Edit: US app

    8. NikeSwish

      Worked for me, no issues with battery. Was hoping it’d show degradation though, oh well.

    9. Yethik

      Also does not work if a car has an existing appointment scheduled.

  3. Watcherxp

    UPDATE 9:53am PST: It looks like even if you have thelatest version some owners are reporting they are unable to run thediagnostic and are prompted to schedule a service appointment, withoutthe message that it was completed. This feature may be rolling outgradually to all owners.

    1. trial_and_error

      it likely requires a firmware update on the car too.

    2. PlasticDiscussion590

      I was being sent to the ‘schedule service’ page. I tried the process described here two more times and on the third attempt it ran the diagnostics.

      Try it a few times if it doesn’t work at first.

    3. humpaa1

      nah you sometimes gotta reinstall the app

  4. [deleted]

    Mine says diagnostics complete, request service, with a yellow bar to the left, hmm wonder if I should schedule it

    1. ShadowLord561


    2. Blaglag_

      The article says, “One of our readers Curtis performed the steps and the app showed the diagnostics were completed, but instead of showing ‘No issue detected,’ he was asked to schedule a service appointment. We will update this article further once Curtis hears back from the Service team about any potential issues.”

    3. Its_Frenchy

      Make sure the app has fully connected to the car before you go through the steps. I had the same thing happen but when I did it a second time after waiting for the app to connect to the car it actually ran the test and came back saying it was fine. You will know it worked right it you see the app actually running the diagnostics with the spinning wheel, it took about 5-10 seconds to complete the test.

      1. [deleted]

        Ah, that's def it car was in sleep mode, amd and it was too fast, no spinny spinny

    4. Plinkomax

      Same 2019 SR+

  5. Dazzling-Molasses-39

    Tried here in the US, I am on app version 4.11.2 (latest). It just take me to schedule an appointment without running a diagnostic.

    1. Its_Frenchy

      Keep going as if you want to schedule an appointment, it runs the test just before confirming your appointment. You can just back out once it’s done and if it doesn’t detect an issue.

  6. amagicfro

    Worked for me in the US, car is a 2019 LR RWD. Reports no issues.

    I'll be really curious to see if anyone gets a issue detected.

  7. dethxlr8ed

    After running diagnostics a message read “a technician will review the findings with you” and was asked to schedule mobile service. Scheduled for Monday let’s see what happens

    1. EpicFail35


    2. hairbawl87

      What was the end result?

      1. dethxlr8ed

        They ran a test from their end. The service team saw no problems and asked if i experienced any major sudden drop in range or any other issues. Since I had no actual issues with range, they closed the request.

        1. hairbawl87

          Much appreciated. I had the same message. I never scheduled a service as I was just curious, but I was wondering if there was an undescribed error somewhere.

  8. The_Syd

    Is there a way to check if you already have a service appointment confirmed for something else? I want to try it out but don't want to cancel my service appointment.

    1. sep08

      I’m in the same boat. I have a mobile service on Monday. Maybe I’ll ask the service guy then

  9. WithAnAitchDammit

    Worked as advertised for me. MYLR June 21

  10. [deleted]

    2019 LR Model 3 and it says no issues. 😃I have around 32k miles

  11. Aggravating-Time-941

    I took delivery of my MYLR in June and already (through the Tessie app) I'm showing 4.1% battery degradation. How has your experience been with battery degradation?

  12. M3msm

    Probably somewhere in the code:

    echo no issues detected

  13. Dann__EV


  14. Dann__EV

    Mine too

  15. budjuice

    Nope for me. Updated app. Tried two cars.

    1. Gatorinnc

      How do I update on an android? When I go to the app store, it says open. No opition to update is available. Do I delete the app and reinstall?

      1. eliar91

        It's not available for Android yet.

        1. Brooksh

          Yes it is, just had it work successfully on Android.

          1. eliar91

            Doesn't mean it's available everywhere. It's not necessarily an instantaneous update for everyone.

  16. Silver_Slicer

    Worked on my US iOS app. No issues. Makes sense since the car is only two months old 😄

  17. strangerbuttrue

    Just followed the steps and I now have a mobile service appointment in 6 days. Did not get the “no issue detected” message, which makes sense since I know I have degradation on my 2019 Model 3 SR+.

    Maybe while they’re here they can get my glovebox open too, since that doesn’t work at the moment.

  18. Kickboy21

    What does yellow/orange bar mean?

    1. adj16

      Hopefully it means a brand new battery for you!!!

  19. ravaram

    Just updated to the latest app version on iOS. Ran the diagnostic and got the no issues detected. My car is almost 3 years old with 34k miles.

  20. Born-Ad4452

    Mmm no diagnostic for me UK

  21. jjfrancisco17

    Anyone actually got a battery issue detected?

  22. ZombieManilow

    iOS user in Florida here. Diagnostics ran on my 2018 S and 2018 X and got “No issue detected” on both.

    I’ve always felt there was excessive degradation of my S battery because it’s range has consistently reported less than the X with identical settings and driving. It was supercharged a LOT more for the first two years vs the X only trickle charging on a 15A 120V socket. So I guess I can’t trust this new diagnostic unless I know how it calculates the acceptable range loss.

  23. lonerwolf88

    Yeah this doesn’t work.

  24. contaygious

    Now everyone here scheduling service appointments accidentally loool

  25. ScottECH93

    Just did mine. Said no issue detected. Wonder what it actually checks.

  26. CryptoBooce

    Anyone know if they are planning to add this feature for Tesla Powerwall owners, too? Powerwalls are monitored in the same iOS app as their EVs.

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