Recently (noticed it after update 2022.36.2), after a long usage of autopilot (autosteer or EAP for 10 to 30 minutes), suddenly, an alert is thrown telling me to disengage Autopilot, for the remaining trip (till i stop and put in park). This is so frustrating, i'm really upset. Does it happen to you?

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  1. bryanlemon

    You can't just ignore the blue flash until it makes the first beep every time. After you hear the beep so many times (I think its three in a single drive), the next time you don't put pressure on the wheel for long enough for it to beep, it gives you the strike and disables AP for the rest of the drive.

    1. Ftpini

      Yep and if you’re staring at your phone it’ll skip the warning and just beep instantly. You have to actually look at the road and occasionally touch the steering wheel if you want to use autopilot.

      1. [deleted]

        You guys need to put a piece of tape over the camera that looks inside your car. I put a white piece and have never got disengaged autopilot since. The car can tell if your on your phone if u block that cabin camera it can never tell. Cheat code baby

        1. ephrion

          stop being an irresponsible danger to yourself and everyone around you

          1. [deleted]

            Us provides no safety, no solid police force, nothing. I’m not going to follow “laws” if I don’t have to. Put me in a place like Dubai where my security is promised no crime and I will follow every law. But in the us lol idgaf and u will never change my mind. This country a shit show already

        2. [deleted]

          Btw. Covered up my camera as a test. Enabled autopilot. Have most recent FSD beta. Within 30 seconds autopilot disengaged, stated sensor failure. No AP until I remove cover from camera. Nice try amigo.

    2. FakeRichi

      Or scroll the right wheel up or down (in case you didn’t know)

      1. jipvk

        Not in Europe, only pressure to the wheel counts.

    3. [deleted]

      I didn’t realize that the beeps after the blue led to the strike outs. It’s not well documented. My thought was that it was supposed to take the rapid beep and then be ignored until the forced ap cutout. Learned it the hard way.

      1. bryanlemon

        I didn’t realize that the beeps after the blue led to the strike outs. It’s not well documented. My thought was that it was supposed to take the rapid beep and then be ignored until the forced ap cutout. Learned it the hard way.

  2. [deleted]

    It happened to me 2 times the last few days. I haven’t had a disengage in months

  3. luizedu98

    Happened to me, no warnings, but I was looking left to another car.

    1. BethyW

      Happened to me today and the same thing I was checking my blind spot and it disengaged

    2. Still_Industry_2055

      Exactly, is Tesla now using the interior camera? I think this is the only explanation

      1. intoxicnt

        Yes, after one of the most recent updates the interior camera is now required. Obscuring the vision will also get you violations/make FSD inoperable.

        1. billswinter

          Not true, I have had mine blocked for a year

          1. exoxe

            And you're up-to-date on firmware updates?

          2. Dense-Representative

            I've had mine blocked for the majority of this year too and I've got the latest firmware. I've had no issues with AP.

      2. darknessownz

        Correct me if I’m wrong but it’s been using the interior camera for awhile now before I got accepted into the fsd beta I would just cover it up.

        1. TheBrightNights

          I'm pretty sure it wasn't. People were riding in the back of the Tesla with a weight on the steering wheel and it kept going. People fell asleep at the steering wheel and the Tesla kept on going.

          1. darknessownz

            Well I got my model 3 last year and it’s always has nagged me as soon as I’m distracted. Gives me red hands instantly and audible beep. If it’s covered it doesn’t give the instant notification.

      3. grimothy

        Just pull over park the car then restart autopilot. If that doesn’t work just reboot the car and it’ll forget the warning. I paid for AP it’s gonna work.

        Edit: before people get angry I should say if you’re not paying attention you shouldn’t use AP, but if you’re actually having software issues this should get it to reset that warning.

        1. MC-CREC

          I mean one could argue that distracted people should still have AP available, they are going to drive like shit anyways at least this lends them a hand.

          What they should do is make them sign a waiver that states:

          The "Driver" is fully responsible at this point and cannot blame Tesla or humanity on their own decisions.

          Meat Popsicle


          Donor (check)

          At least we get some organs if AP fails.

  4. JohnTeaGuy

    Stop looking at your phone while youre driving, or whatever else youre doing, thats making the driver monitoring system put you in time out.

    1. okwellactually

      Here's Greentheonly's capture of the camera monitoring.

      Check out the end when he brings out a phone. It really knows when a phone is in use.

      As it should.

      1. AmberHeardsLawyer

        He is my friend he is nice guy

    2. Fxsx24

      Is that a feature on non FSD beta cars?

      1. Tcloud

        Yes. If you don’t nudge the steering wheel when it warns you, it will disable auto steer, not just FSD.

        1. DrXaos

          I have suddenly experienced this error, and there were none of the usual warnings, blue flash, and then beep before. Straight to red wheel and autopilot jail with a screech.

          I’ve had 3 with the new version and none ever before.

        2. Eroch86

          And the more you ignore it the more aggressive it gets with the warnings until it just kicks you out.

        3. shodanime

          I don’t have FSD but I noticed that my Tesla knows I’m on my phone I tested a few times. I thought the camera is disabled

          1. [deleted]

            You likely opted out of cabin crash data sharing.

            But it’s eye tracking like your phone is now.

          2. Erick3211

            Get a camera lens cover

          3. [deleted]

            Y’all really shouldn’t be advocating someone disable a safety feature I mean honestly people are retarded you only check your phone at red lights and wait for a honk from behind

          4. Erick3211

            Nah the things dings now anyways. I have a charging mount and am good about staying off the phone when driving. Just don’t like the idea of being recorded by a company while I go about my day to day.

        4. Fxsx24

          No I'm more wondering about the interior camera on FSD cars. Before I got into beta the camera did not do anything in the car

        5. [deleted]

          cough dirty compare fact yoke seemly versed file sort makeshift -- mass edited with

          1. okwellactually

            No offense...but, offense.

            Put your damn phone away. There's not much I hate in this world, but people that use their phones while driving is one of them.

            You have a car with voice controls and excellent voice-to-text/text-to-voice. As well at navigation with traffic monitoring.

      2. JohnTeaGuy

        It’s a feature on all Teslas with the in cabin camera.

    3. ScoYello

      Because you’re taking too many pictures of your screen. Put down your phone.

  5. GroceryDowntown2256

    I know exactly the problem. I even contacted Tesla to file a bug. Tesla checks you every 1/4 mile and every 10 min on highway under autopilot driving. With the latest release the blue flash doesn’t show at the 10 min check. Tesla thinks it flashed blue warning but the driver never sees it and then it disengage showing the error that we “ignored” the warning.

    1. Kakeesh

      It seems like a bug that needs a hotfix

  6. meteoRock

    This has happened to me a couple of times recently, but I do not feel I was being naughty with autopilot. Once in stop and go traffic, maybe my fault, but I’m not looking at a screen to check for the blue indicator. I’d much rather pay attention to my surroundings and the vehicle in front of me.

  7. SilentShadow33

    So the interior camera is catching you on your phone or not paying attention to the road.

    1. [deleted]

      Right above the rear view mirror

      1. Carnanian

        Right above the rear view mirror

      2. pobody


  8. NW_Fresh_PDX

    The 2nd picture tells you - warnings were ignored.

    1. 24W7S39GNHQT

      OP is a moron.

    2. Still_Industry_2055

      No, no warning was presented to me

      1. MizterConfuzing

        Are you ignoring the screen flashing blue? Because it will start pulsing blue faster and faster until it disengages because you're not applying any force to the steering wheel.

        1. [deleted]

          After the last update it has been happening to me too. It will go directly to disengage autopilot without the pulsating blue screen. But it’s not consistent.

          1. zzzzxxxxeeee

            Wow, I thought there was something wrong with me. Exact same issue here.

        2. Still_Industry_2055

          No, it was sudden

          1. Stanman77

            It can also happen if you push the accelerator past 85mph (90mph on radar cars). It's happened to me twice, while trying to pass cars.

          2. SilentShadow33

            It's because you're on camera looking down at your phone. It's happened to me multiple times. I'm down to 2 more warnings til I get kicked off fsd beta.

  9. elyuma

    It happened to me on my road trips. After an hour or so driving it got disengaged with no warning.

    And yes, I was paying attention.

    1. VeggiesA2Z

      This happened to me too and almost got me into an accident. Telsa reviewed my ticket and told me it's a FW issue that they are trying to fix....Ever since that incident, I don't trust autopilot much anymore...

      1. Kawaiisampler

        It shouldn’t be trusted more than a lane keep assist, personally.

      2. lemmtwo

        How did it almost get you into an accident? Unless you were completely unaware of what autopilot was doing and where you were, that really shouldn’t have been the case.

        1. VeggiesA2Z

          Well...there was loud alert, and big red flash on the screen with little text fonts on the screen, so I was like WTF is going on. I needed to change lane, but there apparently was a car in my blind spot that Tesla collision avoidance feature didn't catch related to the autopilot disengagement....

  10. lookingformerci

    My first AP strike was caused by looking at my phone, I'm pretty sure it's gotten more sensitive to that because it went from no flashing to a straight up strike as soon as I had my phone out and looked down at it for like.. 5 seconds.

  11. opticspipe

    Mines been doing this for almost a week. The blue flash sometimes isn’t enough to catch me peripheral vision (since I’m looking at the road). They changed something recently. I think yesterday I had to pull over 3x in a 2 hour drive to get ap back. Never texting, never doing anything but driving just like the last 150k miles. Not sure what changed but annoying.

    1. lemmtwo

      Leave a hand on the wheel like it says lol

  12. Nakatomi2010

    Since 2022.20.9 and 2022.24.6 Tesla cut cars over to the Vision stack, so regardless of whether or not you have a radar, the cameras are the only thing in play now.

    That said, this means that the Driver Monitoring System is active (Cabin camera is watching you), and that if you use your phone while driving, the car may fuss at you with no warning, or it'll do the blue flashy thing. Ignore it enough and you get autopilot jail.

    Alternatively, the car's maximum autopilot speed is now 85mph, so if you go over 85mph while Autopilot is on, then you'll be sent to autopilot jail.

    If you ignore the blue flashy thing up until it says "Oy, pay attention ya shmuck!" three times, then you get Autopilot jail.

    Sometimes you might be doing things and the camera fusses at you a bit, or it's possible your steering wheel isn't aligned properly, that sort of thing.

    In this instance second picture clear states that you ignored the "Put your hands on the steering wheel" warning three times.

  13. noamm12

    This has got nothing to do with the cabin camera, rather is Tesla's attempt to fight the wheel weight cheat. Yes, it now will catch a wheel weight cheat after exactly 10 minutes, and will punish you by having you stop the car to re-engage AP. The downside is that sometimes it thinks you're using a wheel weight cheat even though you aren't... Maybe the amount of force you are exerting on the wheel is too constant for a relatively long time, which confuse the tesla algorithm and makes it think you're applying a weight cheat...

  14. zooS2018

    I have got with FSD beta few weeks ago. Thought just a FSD beta sw bug, looks like it happened with normal thread sw as well.

  15. Hairy_Employment543

    I love “Hold steering wheel to drive manually”

  16. Tall-Vermicelli-4669

    Hit 80 once (now it's 85) and was dumped. Hard to not get run over by semi's I'm Arizona

  17. Kakeesh

    A lot of these comments aren't realizing that it's happening to people who are paying attention. The blue flash is not as obvious as you think when you are staring hundreds of feet down the highway, and in certain cases it doesn't show at all before kicking you out.

    1. [deleted]

      Looking at the road, and scanning into the forest for the next suicidal deer who leaps into your windshield.

  18. Objective-Job-8968

    This has happened to me 15 times in 3 days. I can promise you warnings were not being ignored. I've never had an issue with this before. Tesla has been no help. Only thing I find works is kicking it off every few min and turning it right back on. Major pain. I noticed it was a time thing as well. If there are any fixes please advise

  19. BananaChanges

    the car knows u've been a naughty naughty boi

  20. DelayNoMorexxx

    to fix this. i stopped in the middle of the highway, put it in Park and D again. it will let you use again

    1. CrasVox

      Just like how Tesla wants you to do it. If no why would they program the car to just randomly slam on the brakes on a clear road?

  21. cd97

    Had this happen regularly for a while when my audio failed (no music, no turn signal noise, no alert tones). It was oddly refreshing to drive without the alerts, but probably not as safe.

  22. ZaxLofful

    They made it really bad lately, they don’t want you to know that you are close; so that you cannot avoid the disengage.

  23. dashmar1414

    After the recent update it’s constantly happening to me with the camera covered, hands on the wheel and eyes forward on the road. I still get the blue warning if I don’t touch the wheel so not sure why sometimes it disengages without any warning. Extremely frustrating. Without AP this car is worthless to me.

  24. PFG123456789

    Spaghetti code

  25. Smooth_Management305

    Happened to me while drinking from my water bottle

  26. mckiss55

    Happened to me also, this update is glitchy, have camera that stop working. Drive mode changes. Bugs!

  27. robertblack01

    My experience:

    I have had my camera covered before and after the update. I feel it has nothing to do with the camera. As a matter of fact, its still covered now.

    After upgrading to .36, It has kicked me out a few times because the “new” warning is discreet and inaudible. I was looking at the road as I should be on AP but was able to catch the warning. Its a small warning on the bottom of the screen. If you ignore for more than what seems to be less than 5 seconds youre out. Maybe my hand pressure was too soft or steady?

    I did notice it happed in almost the same spot. Long strait stretches on the freeway. I think the system as a whole just got stricter.

  28. [deleted]

    Had this happen to me twice yesterday. First time I got off the highway, put it in park, and then continued. Second time I just drove on the highway normally for 30 minutes (first world problems, I know)

  29. Zleviticus859

    Happens to me too after update. Won’t even warn. It will go 30 miles without any warning about putting hands on wheel and will just give the “nope” warning. Sometimes it works fine or it will ask for hands to be on wheel every 5 min. Not the hey you’re not paying attention alert but the need to place hands on wheel warning.

    Edit: before people say get off your phone. This happens when I am just driving and not doing anything distracting. Just sitting there staring blankly at the road on my 1.5 commute home.

  30. [deleted]

    I’m on the most recent FSD beta. I covered the camera. Engaged autopilot. it worked fine. For about 30 seconds. Then it gave a beep popped up with sensor failure and said “autopilot disengaged for the remainder of the trip. Contact service to investigate.” Might not be those exact words, but you get the point. If you have FSD beta then you can’t drive with a covered camera. I too have noted it gives you very little time to respond to the blinking blue screen, and only one chance per trip to be warned via blue screen and an audible alert. After that first audible alert with blue screen, from then on you just get a blue screen.

    Bottom line, don’t play with your phone. Don’t look at it. You can look out the side windows or the tesla screen, but no more than maybe 5 seconds. I’m ok with that. It’s not a sight seeing trip. You’re driving.

  31. VududeChaudhary

    I upgraded last night and on my commute today got kicked out four times. No blue signs, no warning, just that dreaded red steering wheel popped up from nowhere.

  32. oao90

    Everyone- here’s what’s happening. version 36.6 added a new anti nag detection that hasn’t been properly calibrated to detect the cheat weight. It has nothing to do with the camera. This came directly from a tesla service rep.

    Basically, if you are paying attention, leave your hand in the same spot, and be the best possible tesla driving boy… pilot will still disengage with no warning. Nothing with your camera or you you missing a warning. The new software wants you to keep changing your hands position on the steering wheel or changing the pressure (not 100% sure) best way to fix this is file a service claim with tesla for them to prioritize a change with this feature. The feature isn’t working as intending and hurting honest drivers.

  33. MineJoBusiness

    Usually happens when the vision only system lost its vision lol. That’s why I don’t believe in their vision only vision. Occasions when this happens for me: bright sun, heavy rain, heavy fog, bright lights, roller coaster roads.

  34. Ok-Wasabi2873

    Yes!! For different reason. MYLR was beeping me because the camera got confused by lane markings on a part of the freeway entrance that was under construction. I wasn’t even on AP, and it would let me engage it for the rest of the drive. Didn’t happen before and I always use that entrance and it’s been under construction for like 2 years.

  35. fasada68

    It happens to me at least once every night on the way to work using Autopilot. It’s jittery through freeway flyovers too

  36. odinfire96

    not putting weight or moving the steering wheel. The screen will start to flash blue to warn you to move the wheel

  37. Still_Industry_2055

    I tested it again. I really think that the problem is coming from not looking forward. My test was that i will look to the screen for a long time (tens of seconds), and it happened to me 3 times using this pattern. It may be not correlated, but to summarize, there is something new with the last update (or updates) that is making autopilot more severe. Hope Tesla or someone knowledgeable can find this thread to enlighten us

  38. Still_Industry_2055

    Note: This post goal is to understand why the Autopilot is disengaging without any alert. I really appreciate that people keep respectful and stop throwing unrespectful words and insults to each other. Please

  39. ACupOfCheese

    Just scroll one of the wheels a tick when it flashes blue - it's been easier than trying to shake the wheel and not knock it out of AP

    1. Kawaiisampler

      That was one of my gripes when I had mine, but it’s also inconsistent on how much force it wants. Sometimes resting my hand on it (with elbow on arm rest) would knock it out and some times not, but then other times to knock it out I’ve got to jerk the wheel out of AP.

  40. Still_Industry_2055

    I repeat, no blue signs, no nothing. From AP to alarm

  41. hawkaluga

    Are you looking down at your phone or something else while in AP?

    1. Shmoe

      OP just complained about Tesla trying to catch people with weights on their wheels.. the inferences are terrible.

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