1. Radium

    A steering rectangle.

    Those seats look like the current 3/Y seats in that picture.

    1. d1ckpunch68

      everytime i see a new tesla design decision

      1. FightingInternet

        Puts turn signals behind a touch screen menu.

        1. actfatcat

          In the frunk

        2. CookieMons7er

          In the back row screen

          1. ichabod01

            Shit, driver’s screen got moved there? Hope my kids are better back seat drivers than my wife.

    2. Electrical_Ingenuity

      I think it's a reasonable compromise between a wheel and a yoke.

      1. woalk

        But why compromise at all? A wheel is the clearly proven natural shape.

        1. 007meow

          Tesla literally tries to reinvent the wheel.

          All for vibes and aesthetics. Form over function.

          1. B1Turb0

            Love the CT wheel. Took a few days to get used to, but now large circular wheels feel outdated and cumbersome to me.

          2. Suitable_Switch5242

            That works because the CT has steer by wire and a variable steering ratio.

            The S/X just have the yoke without the steering system that goes with it.

          3. Pretagonist

            Exactly, I'm not buying a squircle car unless it has drive by wire. My country has roundabouts I need to use my turn signals while doing serious turns, both ways.

          4. John_mcgee2

            Well if your country is Australia then this squircle won’t pass compliance laws and won’t be sold in much the same way the model x isn’t

          5. FlugMe

            I thought the Model X and S aren't sold in Aus cause they don't make Right Hand Drive version anymore? Does Aus actually have a law pertaining to the shape of the steering wheel?

          6. John_mcgee2

            They sure do. It may actually be constant across all RHD markets and I get the feeling Tesla doesn’t care because they only make these special models in America

          7. DuneProphecy

            CT has steer by wire which makes a huge difference.

        2. ItsAConspiracy

          Because with a flattened wheel, you can see the instrument panel better. This is important since there's no instrument panel.

          1. starkiller_bass

            But you wouldn’t know that for sure if there were a round wheel blocking your view

        3. frigoffbearb

          I test drove a cyber for fun and the thing I actually liked most was this steering rectangle. It’s surprisingly ergonomic

          1. woalk

            Well, it remains to be seen if the new Model Y will have the same steering ratio as the Cybertruck. If it’s still the same mechanical steering as in the Model 3 and current Model Y, it will be awful once you have to do a tight turn, just like the Yoke before it.

          2. Forensic2233

            It works well because of the steer-by-wire. In any other car it would be worse than having a wheel. Hopefully the new Y has steer-by-wire.

          3. copperwatt

            A whole new steering system would be a wild upgrade for a facelift...

          4. myurr

            Hopefully the new Y has steer-by-wire

            It would make sense to implement it, as it makes the right hand drive versions of the car much easier to engineer.

          5. Electrical_Ingenuity

            All hail the squircular steering wheel!

        4. WrongdoerIll5187

          I really wish my highland model 3 had a cybertruck steer by wire system, it’s the one thing that is objectively a better experience.

        5. adudewhomines

          After driving the yoke for a year I'd beg to differ. The yoke is more natural to me. The wheel is only natural to you because that's what you've always done

        6. enjoyvelvet

          Disagree. The yoke on my X is awesome

        7. [deleted]

          What visibility is blocked by the wheel in a Model 3/Y?

          1. Suitable_Switch5242

            What visibility is blocked by the wheel in a Model 3/Y?

          2. woalk

            If the steering wheel hinders your visibility, you should really adjust its position. There isn’t even a dashboard behind it in the Model Y that it could block.

            And the “won” leg room should optimally not be used because you still need the full room should you turn the wheel 90°. Occupying that space could be a safety hazard.

          3. hutacars

            And the “won” leg room should optimally not be used because you still need the full room should you turn the wheel 90°.

            Still useful for easier ingress/egress though.

          4. rhelwig7

            As a courier, I get in and out of a car several dozen times per day. The steering wheel being in the way is a fairly significant pain in my life.

          5. Vik0BG

            If the wheel takes up leg room for you, it's not the wheel. You need to lose weight.

      2. Radium

        I prefer the cybertruck's design. The angled corners are way nicer imo. Could have saved money using the same wheel on the Y.

      3. inatepro

        "Steering Woke"?

    3. majesticjg

      I drove a Cybertruck with its unusual wheel shape and loved the feel. I'd but this in a minute.

      1. tobimai

        But Cybertruck also has Steer by wire

    4. FredericBropin

      Aren’t the Highland seats different from the Y seats?

  2. lululux1234

    It's a model 3 highland with an after Market steering whell

    1. Goobat

      Yep, in the actual leaked photos from the cold weather test you can see a round steering wheel.

    2. BlurryEcho

      Car model on center screen in pictures 2 and 3 do not have a light bar upfront, so I’m not sure why anyone is buying that this is a Model Y.

      Disappointed because this aftermarket steering wheel ditches the cheap plastic at the bottom, which would get rid of the creakiness headaches. Really hope they fix this issue.

    3. 420Deez

      2/10 rage bait

    4. Linkd

      I can't wait to upgrade my M3P24 to this steering wheel

    5. LurkerWithAnAccount

      ^ this

  3. hot_and_buttered

    Yay for... squares?

    1. PotatoesAndChill

      Sir, that's clearly a squircle

    2. Recoil42

      I don't hate it. But I do wish it was more.. squircle.

    3. Shygar

      I love the steering wheel on the Cybertruck, if the Y has steer by wire.

      1. TheBowerbird

        I'm pretty certain it will not have steer by wire. However, Lucid's Gravity SUV has a steering wheel in this same shape and it has been liked by reviewers.

        1. Shygar

          I don't think I would like it nearly as much if it wasn't steer by wire. But worth a try.

  4. Past_Sir9069

    Changing the steering wheel just for shits and giggs

    1. CrossingChina

      More like following the rest of the market / copying China, but yea it sucks

      1. woalk

        Which other non-Tesla car uses such a nonstandard steering wheel?

        1. cryonine

          A lot. Some Lincolns, Volvos, Corvettes, BMW, and Jeeps. I think all Lucids use a squircle, but at the very least, the Gravity does. I think Suburu also has a few models.

  5. ruzi00

    Hmm... It would be nice if it has steer-by-wire.

    1. Teslamyeslag

      Wouldn’t they want to put that on the X or S first?

      1. DeinVermieter

        No, they don't care about those

  6. razorcatz

    HEADLINE NEWS! It looks exactly like the model 3. What were people expecting?

  7. TBakerTMarks

    This is fake

  8. Chissler

    Crap. No blinker or gear stalk?

    1. dlewis23

      You knew that was going to happen.

      1. raygundan

        I knew my father-in-law was going to die of cancer, but that doesn't mean I liked it.

    2. Dont_Think_So

      Brings it in line with the rest of the lineup. Not so surprising.

      1. sheldonth

        still sucks tho

    3. fluxxis

      So glad I pulled the trigger and got my MY in September. Nothing I’ve seen so far attracts me.

    4. ChouPigu

      No blinker stalk, no sale. I've been waiting to find this out and now I can cross the Juniper off my list.

      1. turns2stone

        Why would you even be waiting? S/X haven't had stalks since 2021, CT never had them, and it's been a year since Model 3 had them. They wouldn't keep them on a refresh of their best selling vehicle.

        1. ChouPigu

          I was mildly interested in getting a Y and waiting for the refresh made sense. I was hoping they'd come to their senses and go back to stalks. This and the leaked exterior styling have pretty much killed any interest.

          1. turns2stone

            This is Elon we're talking about. Tesla goes forward at warp speed. Leather interior ain't coming back. Radar ain't coming back. Parking sensors aren't coming back. Stalks aren't coming back.

      2. Astronaut_Library

        Have you even tried it? It’s totally fine. Took me a day to get used to it. I do not miss stalks at all.

        1. Chissler

          It is ok for most part. I just don't understand why the blinkers are not placed on opposite sides of the steering wheel. Having them both on the same side is awful when you have to turn the wheel.

          1. Astronaut_Library

            Fair point. I think the only reason it is the way it is, is to mimic what position you’d put the stalk in. It would be nice if they did one on each side, and contextually change which is which based on the position of the wheel (upside down wheel - flipped blinkers)

        2. rigon28

          He doesn't need to try it, he knows what's best 😂

        3. Tribaal

          Do you live in a country with roundabouts? Because I doubt this can work in roundabouts (you must signal for exit as your wheel is turned)

    5. Dashiell__

      It’s really not bad, you get used to the buttons really quick and auto shift takes care of most gear shifts anyway

      1. chaseliles

        I did a 30 minute test drive and was used to the buttons before the drive was over. I'm genuinely confused as to why people think it's hard or not intuitive. It's literally just a button...

        1. Dashiell__

          I really dunno, it’s become just muscle memory that I don’t even think about at this point. Might just be because it was popular to hate on and people who’ve never tried it, or fine motor control challenges with age etc?

          1. casino_r0yale

            It makes it harder to signal in a roundabout if the wheel is upside down. This can be solved by steer by wire

          2. chaseliles

            Possibly. I'm not really sure how it became cool for people to admit that they were so mentally incapable of making change...but here we are.

      2. _Smashbrother_

        I have had my highland for a few months now. The signal buttons are ok when you're just driving normally, but they're not intuitive at all when you're turning and need to use them (like during roundabouts or quick turns following one after the other).

  9. webdbbt

    What a surprise, looks like every other Tesla except for steering wheel. (I'm a 2018 Model 3 owner.)

  10. DuneProphecy

    China announcement has round steering wheel.

  11. boutSix


    Tesla website is live in Australia for the new Model Y

  12. CloseToMyActualName

    Did Musk really feel the need to reinvent the wheel?

    1. chronocapybara

      The Scout has the same "squircle" wheel so they're not alone.

      1. TheBowerbird

        Also Lucid Gravity.

    2. woalk

      Tesla constantly feels the need to reinvent the wheel as of late. Removing the de-facto-standard USS, turn signal stalk, trying the Yoke and now this squircle…

  13. Underwater_Karma

    I see no advantage to weird steering wheel shapes.

  14. p3n9uins

    Yes! A squircle!

  15. Money_Philosophy_406

    Pretty quick debunking, a mere couple of hours later Tesla officially release the new Model Y and it doesn't look like this.

  16. Peeniskatteus

    This "leak" didn't age well.

  17. Infamous_Tour_2232

    C’mon SBW!!!

  18. Impossible_Signal

    I prefer the current Model Y interior with the round steering wheel and indicator stalks.

  19. WalrusOk2896

    This is a highland

  20. ToonMaster21


  21. Pardonme23

    Another plain Jane interior

  22. chronocapybara

    Knowing Tesla they will cut a lot of corners to save money, but spend like it's going out of style on LED light strips.

    1. worklifebalance_FIRE

      LEDs are cheaper than bulbs and run on less electricity

      1. chronocapybara

        Yet they provide no meaningful illumination. The light strip on the CT, and presumably the new MY, is just cosmetic.

  23. MannyArce

    Looks like no steering column stalks either. Ugh.... I hate those buttons.

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