1. CertainCertainties

    It looks less shit.

  2. Flaky-Gear-1370

    Lol at the claim of complete redesign

    1. ralphiooo0

      I couldn’t tell the difference initially 😂 then went ooh the lights.

  3. citizenecodrive31

    Looks like indicator stalks are still present.

    1. mini337

      Thank god

    2. craigrulz

      Interesting. Looks like the indicator stalk is there but not the PRNDL

      1. The_Full_Fist

        There’s now a feature that anticipates which direction you want to go (e.g if you’ve parked facing a wall, it’ll suggest reverse), so now reverse park and drive has moved to the screen

        1. citizenecodrive31

          There are also buttons on the roof panel I think.

        2. Ver_Void

          I can't say I'd ever like a feature like that, you know it's going to work well enough to build a habit of relying on it but it's bound to fail once.....

    3. CaptainYumYum12

      I wonder if they’ll bring them back to the model 3? Surely most people would prefer that?

    4. collie2024

      But no mechanical interior handles? I wonder if this is the model that the couple of families burnt in because unable to open doors?

      1. citizenecodrive31

        Did a search and you're right i think.


        I do think electronic door releases are silly and not needed. I don't know why people have not learnt given we have known they are silly since for over 10 years when Corvette did this and a guy died.


      2. That_Car_Dude_Aus

        There are still mechanical emergency releases unless they've removed them. But they're in the door pockets from memory, or behind the speaker grille, not something you'll look for in a crash.

  4. Axxis09

    Am I the only one who thinks this is weirdly expensive? A 10k price jump seems a lot especially when more and more good Chinese options are popping up and hurting their market share. I'd take a long range Xpeng over one of these and save the $10k

    1. dan201721

      I’d say there will be healthy discounts once existing inventory is sold and all the Tesla fan boys and girls have ordered the latest and greatest at full price.

      1. Axxis09

        Yeah fair enough. I was just surprised considering the model 3 facelift launched at the same price as the prefacelift

        1. citizenecodrive31

          The model 3 has never sold as well though. Even this year, the Model Y sold about 4K more units than Model 3 despite not being updated, everyone waiting for an update and it costing more.

          They know that Model 3 needs to be priced sharply to compete but that they can afford to charge a bit more for Model Y given the popularity

          1. Axxis09

            But you'd think that considering model y sales have been consistently dropping recently due to cheaper competitors that tesla would at least keep their pricing the same. If they can do it with one model they can do it with the other

    2. CaravanShaker83

      Our dollar has also tanked pretty bad lately, may also have something to do with it.

      1. Axxis09

        Yeah that's fair enough but especially with the way Elon has been acting I don't see it selling as well as it once did now that it costs more than competitors

        1. Ceret

          I would never ever want to put another dollar in that man’s pocket.

        2. CaravanShaker83

          Also true! I love my Model 3, been amazing but I got it years ago when Elon was still semi normal. He needs to go, I think the company could go places without him holding it back.

          1. Axxis09

            Pretty much. Seems that his bloody mindedness has led to some odd decisions around some tesla products not to mention I just hate him

    3. arrackpapi

      tesla still have the best software+hardware integration and the pricing is now back to roughly where it was before they started aggressively cutting so I don't think it's too far off

      1. Axxis09

        I'd argue that tesla no longer has that big of a lead over competitors anymore. The Xpeng I test drove has excellent software, an autopilot competitor as standard and a SIGNIFICANTLY more premium feeling interior with an actual screen in front of me so I didn't really see any flaws in the software+hardware integration unless I'm missing something

        1. Fast_Ad6789

          Still a 12 month log book servicing requirement for Xpeng equating to $400 per year over the first five years, they have partnered with ultra tune to deliver this service. I prefer teslas servicing model, although the four year warranty period seems a big short. https://xpeng.com.au/g6-service

          1. Axxis09

            Yeah, but that still doesn't make up for the price gulf especially considering I prefer the Xpeng to the tesla

        2. Able-Physics-7153

          Xpeng..sounds like a dodgy AliExpress tablet...

          1. Axxis09

            Yeah the name does sound really Chinese. They do make good cars though

        3. arrackpapi

          I drive a polestar 4 so I'm not some fan boy but I still think tesla still has a significant lead over competitors on the software side. The app is way more featured than competitors, the autonomous driving is way ahead albeit nerfed here. I appreciate some of the design decisions aren't for everyone though.

          1. Axxis09

            I'm not sure about the app but afaik Xpeng has one of the best autopilot suites in China and it's standard on AU market G6s

            On the app side all I know is you can do a straight summon from the app but we won't know until more are delivered to customers

          2. arrackpapi

            Tesla's FSD while not without its faults is widely considered the best easily though. I've used it in the US and I can see how it's life-changing. I have US friends that do 80-90% of their commute on FSD. I don't think anyone else can come close to that.

            the app also has way more telemetry than any competitors I know of.

            anyway, I realise not everyone cares about software integration and just want the car and that's fine. But there's a big gap between tesla and the rest IMO.

    4. j0shman

      Long range is about the same price as before, with acceleration boost thrown in?

      1. Axxis09

        Yes but the standard range rwd is by far the best selling variant and it now costs $7k more.

        1. j0shman

          Maybe 5k more when you consider the paint colour is ‘free’

    5. Injurylawyer86

      Hello troll....sick psot

    6. wondermorty

      Where do you see 10k? long range is about the same amount compared to old version

      1. Axxis09

        Yes the long range is similarly priced but they never sold nearly as well as the rwd so I used the volume seller as a point of comparison. For the rwd it's about a $8k price increase which I rounded to $10k because it's a nice round figure

  5. micky2D

    It does look better. But I'd rather just not have a car than give Elon one cent of my money.

    1. aburnerds

      Hired the old model I loved it and wanted to to buy one. Just no fucking way I was going to give him my business

  6. xdr01

    Slaps BYD bumper on old Tesla, "look new car!"

    Rather buy a BYD or Opal card.

    1. CaptainYumYum12

      Family member got a BYd seal. It’s the first time I’ve used voice commands to do shit and have it actually work most of the time lmao. It’s a great car to drive as well.

  7. grungysquash

    If you don't like it, buy a BYD.

    Ultimately, the decision on pricing will be determined by sales.

    1. Falkor

      I think the Sealion looks better, more like a normal car tbh. Full EV Sealion 7 coming mid-Feb, its a Model Y killer I reckon.

      1. ZombieStirto

        Price will decide the killing. If it's sub 60k for 450km range it will sell good if it is 55k it'll blow the model Y out of the water.

  8. the908bus

    Too late, everyone knows about Elon now

    1. Serious_Procedure_19

      So true. One has to ingest teslas sales have suffered

  9. arrackpapi

    think they went a bit too Cyber trucky with the light bars but looks decent. A 3 style refresh would have looked nicer IMO.

    will be the new bar for the mid sized EV segment now.

  10. FreeJulianMassage

    Anything related to Elon being done quietly is a surprise.

  11. Professional-Coast77

    I'll buy if Elon promises to fuck off to hell.

  12. Green_Creme1245

    I like the new design, i think we'll get one in black, i'm hoping they have test devices in Australia soon , looking at BYD Sealion 7, Tesla Model refresh and the Xpeng G6. I don't know much about Xpeng, so most likely between Model Y and Sealion

    1. Meesjustbrowsing

      They don’t come in black yet..

      1. Green_Creme1245

        1. Green_Creme1245

          have you been on the site yet?

          1. LiveBetter8

            that's Stealth Grey, u/Meesjustbrowsing prolly means Solid Black.

          2. Green_Creme1245

            Your right, man looks black to me !

  13. Elegant-Situation333

    Anyone see anything on it about power-share / v2h?

  14. Rasta-Revolution

    Looks like xpeng

  15. Logical-Vermicelli53

    They seem decent cars, but I couldn’t be seen driving a Tesla


      Who cares what people think about the car you drive?

      1. egowritingcheques

        These cars are strongly linked to Elon. That was his doing. And I agree I simply could not buy a Tesla.

      2. Logical-Vermicelli53

        I don’t care what car I drive. For example I’d happily drive a 20 year old falcon and not care.

        I more mean that driving a Tesla now has certain political attachments.

    2. Meesjustbrowsing

      Why because you might actually like it .. best car I have driven and I’ve driven a lot … nothing quite compares to the driving experience as a Tesla… once you go there - there is no coming back.

      1. Judeusername

        EV6 drives much better

        1. Meesjustbrowsing

          Yeah , Nah.

          1. Judeusername

            Nah, yeah.

            Model Y is notorious for having bad ride and handling, EV6 is the opposite.

  16. Basil-Faw1ty

    I posted this yesterday and it was removed by the mods for 'not being related to cars or Australia'. Go figure.

  17. Tosh_20point0



  18. j0shman

    I’d buy one, get it in quicksilver

  19. Ok-Maintenance-4274

    Going to see an entire bar bright at night

  20. HarbingerofdooM11

    Doesn't look the best. Will see if there is a long range model Ys on old inventory...

    1. BOER777

      Doesnt look like it, mostly gone

  21. Justarobotdontmindme

    SUVs sell, but on road 25K+ over the M3 is brave

  22. antigravity83

    I was going to buy a Ford - but Jim Farley is a wanker.

  23. McDogals

    Until they do a redesign, I couldn't give two shits. Other manufacturers are making far nicer cars.

    1. xheist

      Yeah I'm sure it's a decent car I just don't like the styling at all

  24. AssignmentDowntown55

    Surprised that taillight system is ADR compliant. Once some dirt builds up in there, it'll be hard to see

  25. grungysquash

    If you don't like it, buy a BYD.

    Ultimately, the decision on pricing will be determined by sales.

  26. carramrod9

    Nothing to do with this car, but can someone explain the Elon Musk hate to me as if I were a child. Is it all political? I’m not considering an EV, but it’s clear that many Tesla owners wouldn’t renew with the same brand because of him. I’m not defending him, genuinely curious.

    1. spoofy129

      The whole political angle is going to be behind most of it and it's super polarising. Some will love his shift to the right. Other will hate it. From a business perspective it seems kind of stupid. As Michael Jordan famously said, "republicans buy sneakers too".

      I just don't like the dude because he seems like a snake oil salesmen and don't trust him. Full self driving one year away every year for the last decade? Robots that don't actually exist will be in everyone's house in 2 years? People on Mars by the end of the decade? It's all hype with that guy.

      1. carramrod9

        100% agree with the snake oil salesman part. Loves the attention too. Also, I agree that aligning himself with a political party is very risky, particularly given that the right would (generally speaking) be anti EV. But also, is China any ethically better than he is? Again, generalising I know

    2. VedHeadBest

      Do you have the Internet?

    3. antigravity83

      It's all social signalling.

      They don't want their friends to think they support Musk. Fair enough whatever.

      What makes no sense is the idea that buying a product means you support the political leanings of the CEO.

    4. Meesjustbrowsing

      It’s all the butt hurt woke people out there that don’t like him.. but has nothing to do with the car - name every ceo of a car company - most wouldn’t be able to… he is a very smart man , yeah a little strange at times doesn’t mean he is a bad person.. if it weren’t for him we wouldn’t have the Rockets going to space or starlink etc.. like people just need to grow up - he is who he is .. meh.

      1. BobThompson77

        Great bloke apart from being a facist sympathiser..

        1. Infinite_Somewhere96

          Should go buy a German car, still around today thanks to some super ethical great guy back in the day used to fund them and ride around in them. You know the one. Maybe buy a car from China? Hear they’re super ethical.

      2. Infinite_Somewhere96

        Everyone is suddenly so ethical when it comes to Elon, but they’ll buy sweatshop iPhones and cars which exist today because the literal WW2 Nazi party funded them lol.

        Edit: or also any car being heavily subsidied by China lol, still got re education camps to this day

      3. HowsMyPosting

        if it weren’t for him we wouldn’t have the Rockets going to space or starlink etc.

        Lmao he didn't program the satellites or design the rockets himself

      4. DrJ_4_2_6

        I'm centre-right, and this guy is vile.

        Somehow, that now makes me "woke"....

      5. That_Car_Dude_Aus

        The one that automatically springs to mind to name one is Jim Farley, dude is a fucking car nut, not just with Ford's, but his extensive collection apparently has many great American, and quote a few global platforms.

        Apparently tried to buy Leno's Chrysler Turbine a few years back after it was damaged, and when Leno refused to part with it, even offered Ford Engineers to help source and make parts when Chrysler initially refused.

        Dude routinely road trips rather than air travel, will often be found out in the wild at random gas stations, truck stops, or charging stations testing prototypes, is always happy to chat, and if it's not a secret project, will happily let you see the car and even takes people for a run around the block if he has time.

  27. SiameseChihuahua

    Does it have crematorium mode?

  28. _hazey__

    Yawn… Thank you, next!

  29. aburnerds

    I don’t care if it can give me a blow job. There’s no way I’m letting that cunt have a single cent from me.

  30. Muted_Coffee

    You just know this car was designed to be the cheapest possible in every way. Elon is very proud of trying to "eliminate" parts

  31. wondermorty

    Kia really thought the EV5 could compete

  32. Connect-Order-6352

    Who honestly fucken cares.

  33. upthetits

    Looks alright

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