Dat ass is flat

    1. AllCatCoverBand

      But the million dollar question I have is: Will the wipers work?

      1. krechnagel

        Every second update, they'll work... maybe...

      2. rbtmgarrett

        Of course. In the sunshine they work frantically. In the rain they’re much less enthusiastic. You’ll grow to love it.

      3. Thysmith

        Why on earth is this so hard lol. Its like almost there, it needs two things. Automatic mode needs frequency adjustments just like every other car, and it should speed up and slow down those frequencies based on speed of the vehicle. I don't need full blast when sitting at a stop light, the wipers are loud as hell and annoying, so now I need to interact with them and then again when we start going. That still doesn't fix the fact that half the time they don't even start, but at least once they start let me control it a little. My wife just manually runs them at this point by pushing the button for each wipe, but that's a her problem.

        1. tjladder7

          It’s pretty simple- they don’t use a rain sensor like everyone else. They use the cameras to detect rain and it doesn’t work.

        2. AllCatCoverBand

          I also just manually ran them in my MYLR. I just wanted the stalk knob back from my model S. I could tolerate then. But every time it rained it was like a tiny paper cut :(

  2. MmisnArif

    Back looks awesome, front looks meh

    1. Beneficial_Play_770

      The front light bar reminds me of the CyberCab and Cybertruck vibes.

    2. Ingeneure_

      Typical Chinese car. Front led stripe is killing the whole design…

      1. Fun-Squirrel7132

        Most Chinese cars looks better than this lazy American attempt to steal their design.

    3. torb

      Remind me of one of the bigger BYD cars, to be honest. I think they look okay, though.

    4. 456C797369756D

      I recall seeing much of the same sentiment when highland photos were released.

      1. Suitable_Variety5054

        Yup always happens when new refresh/update releases. Recent salty buyers trying to cope. Once it start selling and this sub gets flooded with “look at my new Y” people will start loving it. See it on all the car subs

        1. guy244

          Maybe. Depends what the specs are. If epa range jumps to 400 miles, then I’ll be jelly

    5. krzyk

      Heh, I have exactly the opposite impression.

  3. TerrysClavicle

    In terms of pure aesthetics updates: Highland>Juniper

    1. liam1902

      Well, Highland is a sportier car so it looks incredible.

      I'm glad they didn't go with just a "bigger Model 3" for Model Y refresh's exterior design - at least this new design differentiates it.

      Obv the interior will most likely resemble or be a copy-and-paste of Highland which is good.

      1. TheSlackJaw

        I do hope they have model y specific centre console and seat frames, instead of putting the model 3 stuff on risers, which I think looks a bit half done.

      2. ensui67

        Looks more cybertrucky on the front end, which is not a good look after seeing it more in person. Oof

        1. liam1902

          Seems like the design choice Tesla is leaning into - Cybertruck, Cybercab, and now Model Y refresh all have a similar style of front light bar.

          1. TheChosenOne0112

            I honestly like the Cybercab's version if the headlights more than what we have here.

          2. ensui67

            Oh yea, that’s right. The cybercab. Forgot about that. It’s definitely been a trend. The vw gti has it too. It just doesn’t do it for me though. Doesn’t look great. Not terribly offended by it but i guess it’s different and that’s all I feel for it. Slightly negative.

  4. Bamboozleprime


    still love my 202X Model Y!

    when do you think they’ll offer a retrofit for the front lightbar?

    can’t wait to upgrade my 2024 to this! (and live in a perpetual cycle of underwater auto loans)

    will they retrofit the ventilated seats?

    I don’t like how [insert area] of the car looks now, it’s stupid and clearly the designers who got tasked with refreshing one of the best selling cars over the past 3 years are also stupid

    1. AJHenderson

      You forgot "this makes me glad I purchased before juniper".

      This makes me glad I purchased it before juniper.

      1. Giant81

        I’m just bummed I couldn’t wait for it. Not that I care at all about the update, but the update means a flood of trade ins making used cheaper.

        1. torokunai

          I don't see many HW4 cars being traded in for Juniper . . .

        2. stickman1029

          This is going to be a pretty tiny update. There's nothing earth shattering here, like they slapped some new lights on it and there will be some interior stuff that the marketing department goes into overdrive on, but it'll also be pretty inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. Might even be something that's perceived to be worse by some, for instance the lack of turn signal stalks. 

          Anyways I have my doubts this mild refresh is going to start a tail spinning drop in values on newer MY's that some think it's going to.

    2. OttoVonWong

      You forgot:Should I buy now or wait for Juniper?

      1. Careful_Front7580

        When 0% guys?

    3. redditrice


    4. Key_Consequence9726

      lol so true

    5. Technical_Beyond111

      Tesla dorks making fun of other Tesla dorks😂

    6. EricFSP

      This is so true it hurts 😂

  5. Proof_Resolve_602

    Damn it looks kinda bad (imho)

    1. Infinite_Somewhere96

      Everybody wanted the front light bar. Not me, I wanted highland headlights.

      1. Proof_Resolve_602


        1. Infinite_Somewhere96

          Look, it could still look good, wait and see. But it does look like the xpeng which is disappointing

      2. Shoryukitten_

        Seconded. The M3 highland looks a lot like the roadster that has yet to be built. Sexy AF.

      3. Fire69

        I wanted a CT/CB light bar. Not this thing. Why is it interrupted? :(

    2. Key_Consequence9726

      I’m sure some folks will like it but the front will polarize some people like the highland headlights

    3. ModY1219

      I agree. It doesn’t look exciting. Perhaps it’s the lighting or the color of the car. Maybe the spec will be more exciting than the look

      1. Proof_Resolve_602

        Kinda like a cross-eyed cousin of a cyber truck and a mini cooper

    4. hbt15

      Yeah that front is horrendous. Yikes.

    5. Suptuan

      I also agree. Hopefully the performance version makes it a lot better like the 3.

  6. W-001

    As long as the ride is smoother I am all in

  7. HighEngineVibrations

    I hate the front. The headlights are low like the CyberTruck. At least it looks like they don't get packed with snow

  8. Imallvol7

    Ugly. The light bar makes it look so cheap. Kinda like an ugly Ford escape.

  9. Neoncarbon

    If this is real, I'll just say I'm glad I got mine in 24

    1. LucieFromNorth


    2. Suspicious_Bird_9115

      Aside from style this car will be better in every way just like highland… day and night difference

  10. maxwatts80

    Back looks like a Cylon (awesome)

    Front light bar looks like a dollar store version of a light bar (not awesome)

  11. Ok_Necessary7655

    Ngl the front looks really ugly. The back looks great however. With every new facelift no matter what the car everyone thinks it’s ugly until it’s not. I still remember the hate that the G80 M3’s got lmaooo

  12. AnnualEducational

    Is that an Xpeng G6 or what?

  13. kerridge

    Oh good it looks shit

  14. TNTBOY479

    Not a fan of lightbars that go across the whole car, never really have been tbh

  15. dynalisia2

    If that front is really how it's going to be, it's like Elon giving himself a second black eye to make his face look more symmetrical.

  16. StarJumper_1

    We recently got our 2025 performance in the old style and quicksilver. She's wonderful. The new ones apparently have mated with a cybertruck.

  17. SecretBG

    It’s cool and all, but after seeing it, I feel better about looking at a used Model Y with the old design.

  18. Spinach_Proper

    That… looks terrible 🤣

  19. sweetenerxo

    hm… i’ll wait to actual photos come out to judge but from the looks right now 🫣

  20. Quantum_universes

    Front end looks lame now. I wish they just used the highlander headlights without the stupid lightbar. Looks like i will be upgrading my 2024 in a few years with something else then

    1. Key_Consequence9726

      just on looks alone

      I have my eyes on the rivian R2 as something I would consider (current model 3 and model Y user)

  21. Narrow-Aardvark-6177

    This is awful

  22. bhaja1982

    People who bought a Model Y recently - “I hate it”. Everyone else - “it looks good!”

  23. thelemonenergy

    I hoped for a Y-land, but its a Y-bertruck.

  24. DrewTheVillan


  25. filtervw

    Damn that lightbar is shite. They nailed it with Model 3 but for MY just took the lightbar from Kia Kona and did the exterior "redesign". 🤣

    1. Suitable_Variety5054

      When new model 3 came out this sub bashed it. People don’t like change, but once post of people buying it start rolling it they’ll learn to love it

  26. Mundane_Engineer_550

    Not a fan of that headlight looks like a Hyundai 💀💀 but I'll take it lol , wish it was solid like cybercab not 3 pieces

  27. Bojangles004

    Certainly will be buying a used 23 or 24 model later this year now. Front looks god awful

  28. Common-Violinist-305


  29. Chris89topher

    God I hate that front light bar. Super corny. I'm not fond of the rear bar either but that's easier to swallow.

  30. chuckst3r

    That somehow looks worse than the current model

  31. dmendro

    Front, yuck.

  32. SunsGettinRealLow

    I don’t wike it

  33. Inside-Tangerine6173

    Coming from a M3 highland driver who was contemplating waiting for Juniper, im happy with my purchase 🤣

  34. Eighteen64

    This looks like ass

  35. MrSourBalls

    Looks great. I'm curious what is the source of these images?

    1. RoamingNorway

      They are at least taken in China, judging from the plate mount.

      1. MisterBumpingston

        Not New Zealand where the Cybertruck was first spied in public (outside of a Giga factory) during tests?

        1. Subject_Fall

          It’s summer in New Zealand

          1. MisterBumpingston

            Doh! I feel stupid now, especially since I’m just across the sea from you, cousin.

      2. Suitable_Variety5054

        Norway, another article explains this

    2. EnanoAD

      Source: trust me bro

  36. SnooShortcuts7911

    Just a bunch of copers who will be trading their 2024 in lol.

    1. Key_Consequence9726

      I think it will appeal to older model y owners but not necessarily recent year owners

  37. Revolutionary_Pride4

    Just as highland: back looks better, front looks worse

    1. likwidfuzion

      I am of the opinion that the front and back looks worse all together.

  38. c4koth

    I guess I’m the weird one and think it looks fine. I will happily drive the new model so that I don’t look like I’m driving a 5 year old car.

  39. Bardzosz

    Wow why so much hate, it’s a nice update! Is it unpopular opinions? I like lightbars

    1. MJC136

      Bc people regret their 2024 purchases

  40. Glimmerron

    This is a terribly boring facelift

    They could have turned this into a cybertruck or cybercab style and been more futuristic but instead we got, lazy design change

    1. kopaish

      It’s a face lift. Not a new model.

    2. RealDonDenito

      No they should not. This is their cash cow, their main model. It should not polarize as much as Cybertruck but appeal to those that previously bought model Y, just better. Increased comfort, efficiency, style, safety. This is what matters for the refresh.

      1. Key_Consequence9726

        Yep this

        Changes made to keep the Y competitive vs other brands, not necessarily vs their past model

      2. Glimmerron

        Yes and be worse looking than the model it's replacing?

        This is going to get slated

  41. rice923

    I just wanna know if the ventilated seats can plug and play with the old MY

    1. stopg1b

      Not likely. Seats will fit fine I'm sure but no way to control the cooling on screen without some hackery. There's a couple of aftermarket ventilated seats now which do work though

    2. bevo_expat

      No, that’s not a plug and play feature for any vehicle manufacturer. There are loads more AC routing and electrical connections to heat and cool directly into the seat. It’s a lot more than just a new seat they can drop in.

      If someone really wants the new seats they can probably be installed…can’t imagine they would alter the mounting points that much…but they won’t be hooked up to ventilation.

  42. Hot-Magician-5451

    Leaked images … Elon has damaged the brand and lost a lot of good will. They needed people to be excited about Tesla again..

    1. lightblackday

      Elon is threatening to use the military against my family. Can’t wait to get another MY /s

  43. Salt_Coat_9857

    Nice. I still love my 22 MYP

  44. Expert-Papaya-3905


  45. SufficientBee

    Took a while! Ugly front, better back. No desire for me to ever buy a Tesla again, esp if it looks like this.

  46. lunaxdiaz

    um… this has to be a joke, right?

  47. Mundane_Engineer_550

    It's only one photo from the front 😂, you guys can't say you hate it if it's covered in snow and not even good shots, just wait for the official product and good pictures. And the rear tail light-bar looks amazing imo but does feel like it needs a bigger spoiler or something. The front is eh 8/10 I like the light-bar but wish it was a solid line not 3 separate parts it kinda looks like a Hyundai Kona 2024, they should have made it more like cyber cab or cybertruck

  48. solo-dolo-yolo-

    Oh helll noo. I will stick with my current model y

  49. 1baller69


  50. is_manu

    Meh... Don't like it. I love and prefer my current MY

  51. flexonyou97

    Yikes, hopefully it’s not final

  52. Extra-Professional93

    Herro, this is China. You stole my lights.

  53. gumnamaadmi

    fugly gets a new synonym!!!

  54. Rare-Winter3355

    Front looks too much like the Kona EV

  55. LucieFromNorth

    Woah. I prefer my 2024 Y much more. That looks a bit odd.

  56. hshajahwhw

    Ya know I like the way my 2025 Y looks way better

  57. hydroflow78

    Ugly. Hoping for a 2027 refresh now lol

  58. SnooKiwis6943

    Anyone else prefer the old design?

    1. yorchsans

      me personally.

  59. jeffbenjam

    The good news? The folks that bought 2024 models should no longer feel bad.

    1. Suitable_Variety5054

      Wrong. This will have plenty of internal upgrades also, like vent seats, more range, better ride quality, bigger screen and who knows what else.

  60. SpecializedMok

    Those little head lights must be very strong!

  61. Wants-NotNeeds

    Eeech. IDK, not looking too good. Very pedestrian looking front end. Not car-like at all.

  62. Anonym0oO

    Looks like an XPeng lol

    Still, I love the new new design

  63. spacemanwho

    So is the light bar and lights going to have the same flow as the cyber trucks where the build up of snow covers the light bar. I really hope not.

    Fix the comfort level and the cheap build quality.

  64. wickedsoloist

    Front looks like a cheap chinese car. Nobody wanted a redesign. All we want was a bit more range maybe, and ventilated, steadily keeping seats. Thats all.

  65. slindshady

    No front cam = no tesla next time for me.

  66. Jadyada

    Worse than I thought based on leaks. Now also stupid lightstrips on the front. Those horizontal lightstrips on normal cars make it look un-original and even cheaper.

    But yeah, thanks to Elon the Troll I won't buy a Tesla again.

  67. Careful_Front7580

    This looks like they wanted to impress China.

  68. Cristiank2897

    Everyone is bashing this. I like it. I was gonna get a model Y performance next month, but now im just gonna wait for this. This looks so much better than the bug eyes.

  69. OkTechnician4285

    No exhaust 🥴😱

    1. eDiesel18

      Gonna be loud.

  70. Upper-Dig9311

    It looks like a Hyundai

  71. indoguy89

    I like the lightbar but not so sure about the foglights. They just look weird to me

  72. Zyncon

    RIP everyone who waited. And especially RIP the guy on Marketplace in my area that just sold his 3 month old Y to get this lol.

  73. Useful-Art2839

    Not a fan of the light bars.

  74. anon_chieftain

    Looks like the resale value on my 2022 is going up

  75. Administrative_Cry63

    I'm a bit relieved. I think this will increase my cars value because this looks bad (imo)

  76. Fun-Squirrel7132

    Looks like something Hyundai or Kia would put out, doesn't scream it's a Tesla to me.

  77. Solidplum101

    Looks bad. People are crazy to think this looks better than the current design

  78. BuilderUnhappy7785

    So they slapped on a mug from the CT and an ass from the new Prius.

    Can’t help but wonder if they’ve got AI doing their design work these days after laying off all the humans.

  79. NotALanguageModel

    Front looks absolutely ugly. I was hoping for the same front the new model 3 got.

  80. Educational-Song6351

    Front looks awful. Back looks fine looks like a mix of Kia and EQE

  81. ippleing

    It looks like a typical Hyundai EQXZRT2283.

    Hopefully the interior has meaningful upgrades.

  82. BRKTPZ

    Front is ugly

  83. TeslaM1

    Kinda satisfied that this is underwhelming. Makes me appreciate my MYP even more.

  84. JJJAAABBB123

    Bz4x front

  85. PatMagroin100

    Switching to a Rivian R2 once I’m done with my normal looking Y. This thing is yuck.

  86. 310KN


  87. retlem

    Glad it looks like this. Now I’ll hold on to my 2023 MYP till the next redesign

  88. JoPar81

    Yeesh. Not great

  89. Grok_xAi

    Luckily, I bought mine already. No thank!

  90. NoaLink

    interior photos. We are getting the squircle!!!


  91. kosmokosmokosmo

    Looks like a Prius

  92. Subject_Tough9061


  93. numba1stunna1786

    Front end is ugly

  94. SevereExpert

    She’s a ugly one.

  95. khalaron

    Its face got hit with the same ugly stick the CyberTruck did.

  96. old-new-programmer

    Giving Ioniq 5 vibes in the front. I actually prefer my 2024 Model Y over this. I actually really like my car, a lot, but I think at this point Rivian is offering more attractive vehicles. Especially if you can charge at Tesla Superchargers...

  97. UhOhSpaghetti_Os

    Yeah….. I’m not impressed.

  98. Glimmerron

    So the guy who spotted this claims it's from a video.

    The video hasn't been uploaded yet and he's delaying uploading it for more "details"

    It's it photoshopped or what?

    He's got a tiny YouTube channel.

  99. Agreeable-Reserve149

    Beautiful car!

  100. Cronus_Echo

    If you told me that it was Kia, I would have believed you

  101. ehas23

    Looks good. Glad they didn’t get lazy and just make it look like the model 3 refresh

  102. _K1r0s_

    It's up officially on the AUS & China sites for order! New colours, renders, configs, and all

  103. TheGreatArmageddon

    Maybe this is long range. Performance spec might look better and maybe a bit more aggressive

  104. jaqueh

    oh man sum1 gonna get fired

  105. solarelemental

    ugh, they made the ugliest Tesla even uglier.

  106. Krioyo_custom

    I wonder why the lightbar in de back is so clean and not covered in snow like the rest of the back of the car…

    1. Key_Consequence9726

      Like the cyber cab, the rear light bar could be projected lights

  107. dj_siek

    If you look closely it seems like it's still covered up slightly at the back, but you can see that the full light bar is there. I think some of the other lights are still covered

  108. G00G00Daddy

    Cool if you're into that look, I guess

  109. keyclap

    And they complain the BMWs looks awful

  110. Imperiu5

    Ouch - that takes some getting used to.

  111. Shoryukitten_

    Rear hatch is totally different. I’m curious if the angles of the closure will make it easier to cram stuff in next to the hatch. It has always been a guessing game in 3 dimensions when loading up for road trips or big costco runs.

    As far as design is concerned, she’s all ass and nothing in the front IMO…. Hopefully that means a bigger frunk or something? The nose seems to dive down faster for aero? I’m just trying to understand WHY it is the way it is…lmao

  112. Eric_T_Meraki

    It'll probably grow on me similar to how the new 3 did.

  113. soilocco

    It looks like a BYD

  114. TeslaGuy80

    Somehow, I think this is performance trim; even though, we don't see a rear spoiler. Front and the back bumpers look too sporty to be the normal trim.

  115. Illustrious-Cake4314

    Is it just me or does the rear look like it has a piece of material on it to hide some design elements?

  116. Toysfortatas

    You won’t get a $7500 tax credit on the juniper. 🤷‍♂️

  117. Jaystarks

    I like it! I can't wait to put my hands on the Performance trim.

  118. Ant0n61


  119. bevo_expat

    Seems like Cybertruck is influencing other designs at Tesla… 🤔… interesting choice

  120. Mekanikol


  121. PristineForm5280

    For some reason I thought the title said "Jupiter". I was thinking this was a UAP sighting.

  122. Tipakee

    That front doesn't resonate with me. I have an R2 reservation, but I was hoping this refresh was gonna keep me in the family. More waiting for me, I suppose.

  123. Lazy-Performance-418

    Guess I’ll buy a 4Runner

  124. adunfee02

    If youre going to put a Light Bar at least put a REAL light bar.. that slim shit on the front looks terrible.

  125. 1983Targa911

    Is it just me or do those tires look narrow?

  126. Pieeetr

    Looks like a BYD

  127. DrSendy

    Glad I didn't wait.

  128. ihopeicanforgive

    It’s okay……..

  129. No_Alfalfa_649

    This is so much uglier than the current Y.

  130. GDrew_28

    The back looks great!

  131. Nxgdx

    A little special is the long light strip at the front and at the back.

  132. leniad2

    This must be the performance variant

  133. praguer56

    I hope that they keep the amber turn indicators, and give us rear fog lights.

  134. KosoyGlaz

    How does anyone know that that is Juniper?

  135. weathergambino

    Thanks I hate it

  136. The_Count_Lives

    Exterior is whatever. What I'm gonna be jealous of is the interior updates.

  137. sav86

    It would've been so much better with the highland update...the lightbar is just not it.

  138. Charredwee

    UGLY AF - Looks like generic Chinese EV garbage. HARD PASS unless it's got HW5

  139. wasterman123

    It’s like a cybercab and model y

  140. geogonzoxx

    Glad I got a ‘24 and didn’t wait

  141. ZealousidealExam640

    Something looks off. Look at the bottom part of the left rear tail light how it looks wavy, but the other side is straight. Bad photoshop?

  142. 1Persoon

    Bruh I didnt have high expectations for the juniper but I didnt expect it to look even worse than highland model 3

  143. No_Ambition6329

    Hmm not sure yet. Will have to see more, but not thrilled.

  144. Admirable-Eye2709

    That’s the definition of “Butterface”.

    (Nice body, but her face!)

  145. Acrobatic-Button-801

    Is this the final design? Why are people complaining so much about the new design?

  146. 707Martini

    Maybe the next model won’t have any headlights at all 🤔

  147. drsdar

    Improved interior and Air suspension? Sign me up, it can look like a Aztec, but this looks fresh imo

  148. jflbball

    Everyone hating on this...it's buyer's remorse. We get it.

    If you put this next to the current Y, it makes the current Y look like a complete POS in terms of design.

    1. kevink808

      Says every Cybertruck owner next to a Rivian. 😂 that’s called DELUSION.

    2. Suitable_Variety5054

      Same thing happened with model 3 refresh. Recent owners trying to cope after Elon tricked them with incentives lol. So many upgrades on juniper to like ventilated seats etc

  149. AlgorithmicSurfer

    Tesla should put a vertical light connecting the light bar. It would give them a signature look “T”, and avoid looking so meh on the front.

  150. jappadelight

    From the overall body, it seems like the same car was updated.

  151. Tech_Veggies

    It's like going from the iPhone 15 to the iPhone 16.

    1. kevink808

      More like iPhone 16 Pro to iPhone 13. They need to put a case on that.

  152. Representative_Bid89

    Omg the bumper is HUGE

  153. WhereCanIFind

    The light bar proportions look off for the size of the car. Maybe it's just the lack of the detail on the picture.


    Looks like a Kia

  155. Formal-Smile3660

    Giving Prius vibes

  156. SoakieJohnson

    I don’t think it looks terrible but I do prefer the less futuristic look of the current MY. I’m more interested in the ventilated seats and ambient lighting. I just got a 24 MY and I wish it had those two things.

  157. mdjmd73

    I like it. Sexy. And less room for front end bug carnage.

  158. Lower_Confection5609

    Pics are never the same as in-person, so I want to give it the benefit of the doubt.

  159. scpittsburgh

    Why does the front look eerily similar to my 2010 Civic. Gross. Edit: I don't think it's a real picture.

  160. yorchsans

    nice hiunday

  161. jinjuu

    Looks like it's keeping fog lights, which is great. I miss them in the highland.

  162. Nova_Blu_Arlo

    Does anyone know if it will have reclinable back seats? We did a road trip on our Model 3 and even our 12 and 10 year old said it was extremely uncomfortable not being able to lean back the seats.

  163. Amazing-Pride-3784

    Damn. People who've been waiting better get a nice interior and ride quality improvement. Car is pushing 5 years old and looks 98% the same.

  164. Otherwise-Mirror-573

    Back of a GLE

  165. Johnnyfever13

    When is this coming out?? 😀

  166. Positive-Chicken4503

    So when will this release

  167. sherhil

    I saw in on 280 covered up driving up towards sf

  168. Tarren_w

    Reminds me of a Prius

  169. Flying-Frog-2414

    Can’t wait to swap out my suspension with juniper parts

  170. Big_Aside_3488

    Baby cybertruck

  171. brownmagpie

    Looks just like the early renders from 2years ago. Love it 🙌

  172. hopenpeace

    Not as interesting as i though it would be. Reminds me of a past Chevy for some reason.

  173. kmahajan01

    Although this looks similar to what’s been mentioned, apparently this an AI generated image floating on the net.

  174. Appropriate-Shock306

    Unflattering photo, watch people’s opinion change once they see the actual car in a showroom.

  175. Aggravating_Bug7962

    That front light bar looks so off. The Ioniqs do it much better!

  176. trdrddr


  177. Groundbreaking_Box75

    Not a fan of the lightbar in front, but as front lightbars go, it’s pretty understated and not as cheesy as some I’ve seen. Rear of the car looks solid. It all comes down to any features above and beyond the Highland. Little details like a swivel screen would make a huge difference. Fast charging, steer-by-wire or HW5 would be a surprise - and, frankly, needed to compete in the Chinese market.

  178. ridnovir

    It is hideous

  179. Jhcx

    First image kinda looks like a Byd...

  180. Oemera

    Crazy how the perception is so different in here. I really love the new design. It kinda looks like something by Audi (e-Tron SUV - I loved the design).

  181. agentdarklord

    Front looks like a a cheap Asian ev

  182. dudas92

    Looks like I'm the only one who thinks it looks dope

  183. Bash3350972

    I’ll buy one.

  184. Responsible_Row_4737

    Wow, it looks HORRIBLE. I wish they just stuck with the Model 3 design tbh and let the Cybertruck keep it's own look.

  185. Captain_Ahab2

    Is that the new Prius?

  186. Dazzling_Sport1285

    that rear diffuser is still ugly af. front light bar kills the design too. rear light bar is nice. sigh, what a letdown. Also, will we finally get a power frunk and HUD? Tesla being high tech company and not providing HUD for its cars is beyond my belief.

  187. stonkmarts

    Prius suv fr

  188. martfer

    Looks small or is just me

  189. LilOuzoVert

    Looks like a tall Tesla with Polestar design accents. Aka like a soulless piece of shit

  190. bernbabybern51

    The current model looks more like European design, this looks Asian. I prefer the current front end.

  191. Huge-Wheel-4428

    Reminds me of a Lincoln

  192. Euphoric_Sandwich_74

    Maybe the folks who didn’t wait for the refresh actually won. Gotta see some better pictures to be sure.

  193. neeonline

    I already know how I’ll name mine =)

  194. trollinz82

    Glad I bought the current version

  195. Appropriate_Ice_7507

    Looks like a Kia

  196. spinner-j

    RIP tesla

  197. atomatoflame

    I definitely made the right decision in November!

  198. Medium_Mix_5858

    any chance it gets some kind of instrumental at all?

  199. Kappa_Suki

    Reminds me of a baby cybertruck back end

  200. AdOk4386

    Tesla did it again. You deviate from the awesome original and screw it up!

  201. Ok-Push2931

    Ewww. It looks worse

  202. Ok-Push2931

    Looks like the Kia EV6

  203. am0sx

    I’m glad I picked up a new 2025 model year MY in Dec 2024 with great discount…

  204. Chewy_13

    Kinda looks like a Prius

  205. Tomzibad

    Looks like any other Chinese car now…

  206. cgram23

    This isn’t it. It’s flatter and more streamlined.

    This is a distorted photo

  207. TruthTeller-2020

    I have three observations on it:





    Cool racist golf cart

  209. Which_Notice_9790

    Not going to lie, this is disappointing. It's ugly ASF. 🤢🤢🤢I'm happy I went with the m3 highland.

  210. RojerLockless


  211. StrassenVers

    I don’t like the front 😐

  212. ColdProfessional111

    It looks just like you’d expect.

  213. JalParis2020

    If the range isn’t substantially higher than current model y long range, I don’t want it.

  214. No-Influence-2760

    What is happening in the middle of the front bumper?

  215. Razor44back

    I like my 2023 Model Y

  216. Business-Champion-40

    Looks only a mother could love.

  217. nexus22nexus55

    Doesn't look half bad.

  218. Outrageous-Policy135

    Looks 90% the same as the current Y. Essentially the model 3 refresh in the Y.

  219. Separate_Street_651

    I’ll hold on to my ‘23 MYP

  220. R_I_P_Crypto

    Interior prolly makes up for ass exterior

  221. reddevildan

    Meh ….

  222. R_I_P_Crypto


  223. pidds

    I don’t love the front light bar.

  224. kameronn

    Dang, unfortunately very ugly.

  225. rang1730

    How did they make it this ugly? 🤮

  226. chowdah27

    Rando q - back windshield wiper on juniper u think?

  227. OkPepper2367

    I prefer the front on my 2022 MYP

  228. Consistent-Idea7395

    Totally OK grabbing the 0% deal and not waiting for this.

  229. Consistent-Idea7395

    Take full look at Tesla China website

  230. liji1llijjll1l

    It reminds me of the electric cars from Chevrolet

  231. EastWeb7883

    Yikes 😬

  232. Mammoth-Professor811

    48 volt = 4 times greater chance of electrical falures if getting wet.

  233. Mammoth-Professor811

    Car made by a fascist.

  234. warbybuffet

    Looks like what they tried to do, or should have done, with the Prius

  235. Kenju4u

    Not impressed. Pretty simple refresh. Meh

  236. Rickthesizzlerr

    Looks like my 2021 model y is still relevant

  237. soup0220

    Will there be a performance? I have one month (birthday purchase/order) to decide haha so I wanna see it first

  238. Elluminated

    Updated the bumpers again and some insides. How about dual motor with decoupling front motors for efficiency next?

    1. Lex_GS430

      The Polestar does this

  239. DiligentMagician1823

    Here's what's going to happen (it has with every Tesla minus CT so far):

    Everyone with say they hate the design

    After it's been out for a little while, everyone will say they love the design

    Competitors will start to copy aspects of the design that everyone previously hated from step 1

    Time to grab the popcorn and watch the show 🍿

  240. UnluckyLingonberry63

    Wow a 4 door sedan. Just like the Buick skykark

  241. FitEcho4600

    Idc how it looks as long as it has a better suspension than the current model Y I’ll buy it tomorrow

  242. Ekoria

    thank god it's not just a fat model 3. also like how the front fascia isn't completely blank like the non-performance model 3, unless this is the performance version...

  243. Longjumping_Crazy331

    This is so fake lol.

  244. FJCReaperChief

    It looks amazing! Way more futuristic than the outgoing model. I really do not see the hate.

    1. facebx55

      People hate anything that’s new.

  245. Hungry_Fee_530

    Looks like an Audi

    1. yorchsans

      no way. more like a Kona

  246. plmcwm

    So is there a front bumper camera?

  247. YOKi_Tran


  248. matthew19

    Go look at comments when the Highland first came out. Same hate.

    1. Lmxvopolla

      mostly people who got the previous version

    2. kevink808

      Not even close. This is near unanimous. I’m going to upgrade to a MXP now.

  249. Beneficial_Train5734

    It’s shit. It’s a Tesla. Poor quality. We have two and there are just little things that come loose that aren’t aligned. Rattles come and go. I never had concerns in the past I owned two BMW, one Mercedes, or even when I drove a Hyundai. You should see the mess it makes when using windshield fluid on the road. Chinese cars are kicking ass that’s why US doesn’t want them here.

  250. Wildeface

    Everyone said Highland was ugly too and everybody back tracked on it now. Juniper looks great to me!

  251. Rastus547

    Looks amazing

  252. LastConfection561

    Looks amazing can’t wait to have one

  253. why_who_meee

    Okay that looks better than I thought it would.

    And definitely much better than the model 3 (imho)

  254. allanmoller

    Don't buy elons cars!!

    1. mdjmd73

      Making financial decisions based on emotion is a losing proposition.

  255. peacenchemicals

    if this is legit, it looks so cool 😭 i don’t want my Spring 2024 anymore lmaoo

    1. clutch_or_kick

      What is the “cool” part I’m missing

    2. Key_Consequence9726

      lol based on one snow covered picture?

    3. ihopeicanforgive

      Not sure why you’re downvoted

  256. DuneProphecy

    Looks great, better than model 3 refresh

  257. belteshazzar119

    The design is way worse than the current model. Felt the same way about the new model 3. However might be worth it for the new suspension alone

  258. UnSCo

    Wow that actually looks really good and modern. Almost makes me want to downsize from my Model X.

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