I would really appreciate some help

About 5 hours ago I bought my very first use 2022 model y performance in Northern Virginia and I Live in Central North Carolina after a lot of back and forth at the dealership I ended up leaving the dealership around 7:00 p.m. with a car only having 18% battery. So I stopped around the corner at a Tesla Supercharger and went on my way with about an hour left in the drive I needed to stop again and when I pulled up to the supercharger it said that I had an unpaid with them I went in the app I put in all my information updated all my billing information but it would not let me charge so after calling the toll free number lady informed me that I need the transfer of ownership to me however that department is closed till Monday the dealership was nice enough to give me one of the plug-in Chargers and after purchasing a room at a hotel they said I can charge it.

Here's where I need the advice

1 I have 6% battery and it's plugged into a regular outlet outside with the weather is about 20° how much charge do you think I will get in 10 hours?

2 since I can't use the superchargers will I be able to use the other type of chargers like the kind that some random gas stations? Do I need an adapter? Will that work without a profile?

3 do you think that charge will get me 36 miles to the next destination charger?

I'm sitting in a hotel room wondering my best next steps to get home and not stuck on the side of the road.

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  1. zoompis47

    I had a smiler issue the first day of ownership to… i think it had something to do with it not fully registered my payment option yet. Try reloading ur payment option again. I cant remember exactly but i think i did that and everything was all good soon after.

    As for 10 hours of lvl 1 charging… i think its something like 3 miles an hour so its close… but at 20f that might be less.

    1. start3ch

      I wonder if the ‘charge your non tesla ev’ option could work in this scenario

      1. zoompis47

        Worth a shot… but if the problem lies in the payment phase, might run into the same problem? Never used this option before so i cant say for sure.

        1. start3ch

          But that’s your tesla account where you can enter a card, should work even if the tesla is registered under someone else.

          I’m not sure if it would detect that it is a Tesla and complain, or just let you charge

    2. justtryingguy

      Thank you, I used two different credit cards. Still nothing

      1. zoompis47

        Also are u doing all this on ur tesla app? Try https://www.tesla.com/teslaaccount on a browser? Just spit balling but u can access ur acount there and play around with payment methods/account balance.

        1. justtryingguy

          I have not tried on a browser, thank you, I just so happen to have my work laptop with me. I'll keep you posted, worth a shot

      2. gilbertesc

        Double check your Tesla profile has a complete address with a zip code

  2. zoompis47

    Oh and yes u can use any off brand charger for sure as long as the adapters are correct. I believe teslas come with an j1772 charger but being a used purchase hard to say… check around the car and in the trunk.

    Most off brand chargers require some sort of app or payment method

    1. justtryingguy

      Thank you! Very helpful

      1. zoompis47

        If you find a lvl 2 charger(which most paid off brand charger will be) ull be fully charge it in less then 10 hours

        Download plugshare app itll show u all chargers in the area

      2. zoompis47

        Sorry its a j1772 adapter. teslas have there own charger plug the adapter will give u access to a j1772 plug charger

      3. gilbertesc

        Do you have a j1772 charger with you? Your best bet would be to leave the car charging overnight at a j1772 charger

        Use PlugShare to find one

        1. South_Place_2771

          This! Or maybe try to find a working electrify America station

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