Hi everybody, I find solution how to watch video in Tesla in driving mode. It can be YouTube or others. You don’t need to install anything - it’s working directly in browser.

Is it interesting for you? Because I did it only for myself, to share with others I need to do a lot of work.

I’m using this feature for my kids 😎 Because without cartoons they start sleeping on the back way to home from the school 🏫

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  1. Hopeful-Lab-238

    Sooner or later there will be a nhtsa recall to pull the browser

    1. Valaj369

      Yup. And we'll know who to thank for that.

    2. homertool

      I don’t get it, you can’t use the browser when driving right?

      1. Hopeful-Lab-238

        OP states he can give you steps to circumvent it

  2. dancingjake

    Much more important that kids watch videos than sleep 🙄

    1. whatchulookinatman

      Ha! I wish my kids would sleep in the car more.

  3. sam_42_42

    We've been struggling with the same issue. I don't have a fix for you and your car, but what works for us, is singing songs and opening and closing the window.

  4. Wasabulu

    install a tesla phone holder on the back of the screen. Rotate it on the upper rim of the screen and attach your phone on there. WIN

    1. Ambitious-Formal-319

      And what about charging? ☝️

      1. Wasabulu

        My phone is mostly charged at all times so never had to worry about that. In a pinch I have a cord coming out of the center console that I can pull behind the screen.

  5. M1ke2345

    Bookmark http://abettertheater.com/

    Job done.

    1. fmcfad01

      That's never worked for me out of Park.

      1. M1ke2345

        It’s a web browser, I don’t see how it can’t.

        1. fmcfad01

          Literally if you're in drive, videos don't play. If you know a work around, let us know.

          1. SkipTracePro

            You ever find anything because it still doesn’t work?

          2. fmcfad01

            Probably on purpose! No, I never did, and my Tesla got totaled in a house fire. Went back to an X3 m40i. EV experiment was fun.

          3. cafone02

            Sorry to hear that, why didn't you go back to Tesla?

          4. fmcfad01

            Elon musk, depreciation, and I'm a BMW nerd. Other cars are an e39 m5 and a z3 m coupe.

    2. Ambitious-Formal-319

      It doesn’t work 🫣

      1. M1ke2345

        It does for me.

        1. Ambitious-Formal-319

          During the driving without app? Directly from browser?

          1. M1ke2345

            Yes, that’s the whole point of the URL.

  6. BytesHunter

    I'm interested, can you let me know? Thank you !

  7. IHate2ChooseUserName

    that is very unsafe to allow people in the center console while the car is in motion

  8. bugignat

    Im using https://ytes.la

    1. geocastaneda

      Didn’t work for me while driving. Browser errored

      1. jamauai

        Browser errors for me on larger, longer videos. Also for some reason instead of just streaming, it has to download the entire video first. Same for you?

      2. SkipTracePro

        Same... you found a solution??

        1. geocastaneda

          Never did. Driving disabled any video playing on everything I’ve tried.

      3. SkipTracePro

        Damnit same here; I’m gonna look for a solution and I will respond back here and let you know if I can remember.

        1. Surg333

          Any solution?

          1. SkipTracePro

            No, not yet

          2. Regular-Detective713

            I would Apprrciate it top

    2. Mister-Fordo

      How did you find this? I'm wondering how it works...

  9. Exact_Mall_7826

    Teslaandroid Is the way :)

  10. mflexx

    Sure, give the infos to us!

  11. ck717

    Go on....

  12. ram_fl_beach

    Really, guess you are texting at the same time. Bad idea all around. And sleep is important.

  13. jcrckstdy

    Works for pandora? And other web streaming services?

  14. T-Money8227

    Why is it a lot of work to share it? Can you give us a clue?

    1. Ambitious-Formal-319

      I would like to share test link later when production version comes. It’s a hard work to grab YouTube video, convert it, and draw in a custom video player without html5. But I’ve done first tests today - it works 🥳

      1. Material-Charity-482

        could u please share a solution with me ? i tested everything i could find and every video while driving is not working...

  15. SnooEagles1374

    OP please stop gatekeeping. My little sister gets rowdy in the car and she can't watch anything because the one phone in the car is for important purposes and can't be used for those reasons.

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